Involuntary Parents [46]

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"Come on Hinata," Tenten whined.

"No," she replied pulling the duvet cover over her head.

Tenten frowned and crawled onto the bed, "I drove all the way over here to get you to go shopping with me. You can't say no."

"Gomen Tenten-chan, but I'm just really tired," she groaned from under the covers.

The brunette smirked, "tired? Naruto tired you out did he?"

Hinata blushed, "go away."

"Come on Hinata." At that the Hyūga pulled back the cover and hopped out of bed, making a beeline for the bathroom. "Where is Naruto anyway?"

"He went to visit Sakura-chan," she called from the bathroom.

"Oh," she said getting comfortable in bed.

The midnight blue haired girl emerged from the bathroom causing Tenten to narrow her eyes at her. "Nani?" She asked.

"That's your second trip you've made to the bathroom since I got here."

Hinata shrugged and sat on the bed once more, "it's cold...of course I'll use the bathroom more frequently."

Tenten shook her head, "no. You've been eating a lot lately too."

Hinata's eyes widened, "ano..."

"Hinata," Tenten smiled.

"No," she said shaking her head. "I'm not..."

The brunette quickly got off the bed and took her friend's hand. "Only one way to find out."

Hinata groaned as she let her pull her along. Oh Tenten.


"Coming!" Sakura yelled for the second time descending the stairs slowly. Although she was curious as to who it was, she wasn't up for entertaining guests.

It's been a week since she was back home and really all she wanted was to be alone. Sasuke's absence in her life had brought her back to square one. Sad and alone.

Opening the door slowly her eyes widened when she saw who it was. "Naruto..."

The blonde smiled, "Sakura-chan."

She stared at him for a few minutes, just taking in the brightness of his smile and the happiness behind it. "W-what are you doing here?"

"Ano...may I come in first? It's a bit cold out here." He said rubbing his arms.

"Y-yeah come in," she said quickly stepping back. "Gomen."

He chuckled, "it's fine dattebayo." Taking off his thick jacket he stood looking down at the pinkette before him. "You look like shit."

Sakura sighed shifting from one foot to the next, "I feel like it too."

The blonde grinned causing her to offer him a lopsided smile. There was so much amusement and joy behind the simple gesture, it made her mind swing inward on itself, just to highlight what she was missing.

She'd been hurt and morose ever since Itachi's death, it had taken a toll on her. Food no longer appealed to her nor did company. But this visit...seeing Naruto was exactly what she needed. That smile was like a ray of hope in her life.

"Eh? Nani Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked.


"You were staring at me," he said scratching the back of his head.

Involuntary ParentsWhere stories live. Discover now