Involuntary Parents [35]

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His hair was a tussled, eyes bloodshot. Had he slept? Most likely not. But what good was sleep at a time like this? When in the blink of an eye things took a turn for the worse, imagine closing those tired eyes for eight hours.

Naruto watched him silently, he paced back and forth in the small hallway. His slouching figure seemed worn, begging for rest. But he knew better, he wouldn't so much as think about sleep, until he knew Akamaru was safe.

"Kiba," he said approaching him once he was satisfied with his observation. The brown haired boy turned to look at him, but said nothing. What was there to say? They both knew the dire consequences of the disease and they both knew Hana was trying her best.

He took a seat opposite to the door and Kiba followed suit. They both sat in silence, nothing was said, but so much was communicated. "They'll be okay," the Inuzuka said.

Naruto pulled his lips into a thin line, "they have to be."


Hinata sat on the bed unpacking, it was getting late and Naruto still hadn't returned yet. A clap of thunder rang through the sound of the rain outside, a shiver rolled down her spine as the thought of Naruto out in that weather crossed her mind. Hopefully he'd return soon.

She got up to walk towards the closet when the sound of a cell phone ringing was heard. Frowning, she noticed that it wasn't hers, "Naruto-kun left his phone?" She questioned.

The midnight blue haired girl paced towards the dresser and looked at the vibrating phone. The thought of picking it up crossed her mind, even more so when she saw the caller ID.


Why would she be calling this late? A million scenarios ran through her mind, but pushing away all the negativity she answered.


"Naruto I watched the news report, is your dog alright?" Nani? What news report? The Hyūga asked herself. Had something happened concerning the animals? Was that why Naruto wasn't back yet? "Hello? Naruto?" Called Sakura once there was no response.

"Ano...Sakura-chan, Naruto isn't here right now," she said walking towards the bed.

"Oh. Hinata, well I just wanted to know if-"

She sat down, "what's happening?" she whispered.

Sakura sighed, "well, there was an outbreak in animals recently and well they're all dying."

Kurama...could that mean...?

"Naruto-kun went to pick up Kurama, Kiba-kun was watching him," she said trying to think positively. Maybe it hasn't affected him or Akamaru, maybe they both were okay.

"That's the thing Hinata," Sakura started, "I couldn't get though to Kiba earlier..." With that said, what little hope Hinata had died and in it's place sprung worry and pending pain. "...something is definitely wrong."


Sasuke watched as Sakura placed her phone back on the bedside table. She looked tired, stressed...worried. It was almost as though something was eating away at her.

But what?

He scanned her rigid frame, was she ill? No, he could definitely tell if she was sick. Unless...his eyes widened.


The pink haired girl was snapped out of her dazed state, "huh?" She asked turning to face him. He inched closer and took her hand, Sakura eyed the union suspiciously. "Are you okay?"

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