Involuntary Parents [36]

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She entered the hospital in a hurry, scanning lab coat after lab coat. Searching for Dr. Shizune, she went to her office.

"Sakura, well this is a surprise," Shizune said once she entered.

The pink haired girl smiled, "I have something to ask you."

"Shouldn't you be in school right now?" She replied glancing at her watch.

Sakura nodded, "I just wanted to stop by first."

The black haired woman leaned back in her chair and intertwined her fingers, "This sounds serious...I'm listening."

She nodded and sat before her, digging through her school bag she found the receipt she'd taken off Karin's dresser yesterday. She'd also added the names of the painkillers and inhaler she'd saw Itachi purchase on her date with Sasuke.

"Could you tell me what these are?" She asked handing the doctor the paper.

Shizune leaned forward and took the receipt. She arched an eyebrow when she read the names written down. "Where did you get this?"

"My brother-in-law, he takes these."

Shizune seemed surprised, "Sakura these are-"

"Dr. Shizune come quick! We have an emergency," said a blonde nurse with glasses.

The black haired beauty was instantly on her feet. "Gomen Sakura. Come by later at your usual time. I'll talk to you then."

Sakura pulled her lips into a thin line and nodded. The suspense would surely eat her alive throughout the day. She watched as Shizune left before getting to her feet. With a sigh, the pink haired girl left for school.


Her body was in class, but her mind was elsewhere. Hinata stared at Orochimaru as he thought whatever he was teaching. Her eyes followed his every movements, but in reality she was lost. As lost as can be.

"No Hina, you've already missed a few days of school. I don't want you to miss anymore."

His words echoed in her head as she wrote what was on the board. She didn't want to be there, not without him. It just felt wrong, leaving him at the hospital like that.

She sighed, hopefully he could help. A picture of the spiky haired boy that had barged in surfaced.


He'd said that was his name, clearly he was their what good could he do? Nevertheless, desperate times called for desperate measures and Hana was willing to hear him out.

The door slid open catching her attention. "Sakura-chan," she whispered once the pink haired girl walked in. She apologized for her lateness and took her seat beside Sasuke. A sad smile touched Hinata's lips as she watched the two. If only she wasn't so worried about Kurama and Akamaru then she'd have found their interaction a bit more amusing.

Class continued on like that, the teacher spoke and she wrote absentmindedly. Such a mundane procedure.

The bell finally rang and they were dismissed, Hinata slowly packed away her stationery while everyone poured out of the class including the teacher.

Finished at last, she picked up her bag and made a move towards the door. That's when she saw her.

She looked pale, almost ill. Her jet black hair was caught in a messy ponytail, her uniform crushed. "Akira-chan." Hinata whispered as she watched her trudge towards the exit.

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