Involuntary Parents [12]

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"Did you find one?" Sakura called from upstairs.

"No," he replied opening drawer after drawer.

He heard footsteps descending the stairs just then and the sound of a long sigh. "Oh Kami, don't worry I'll look," she said as she entered the kitchen.

He tried to pinpoint her position; although he loved the dark, he preferred when he was alone in it. "Sakura," he called once it was quiet. "Where are you?" He whispered taking a few hesitant steps around the kitchen.

"Sasuke I found-" The pink haired girl was cut off when she crashed into something hard. "Ouch," she groaned a bit disoriented.

"Would you watch where you're going!" He hissed lowly.

"S-sorry," she whispered into his clothed chest. Blushing a light shade of pink, she acknowledged the position they had ended up in.

Sasuke's arms were wrapped tightly around her small frame, cocooning her against everything almost. Her arms were bent at the elbow and were trapped in his embrace along with the rest of her.

The Uchiha exhaled causing the pink haired girl to shiver from the contact his breath made with her ear. Her heart pounded in her chest as her breathing became unsteady. And with each rise and fall of her chest, she felt the soft thud of his beating heart.

He's warm, she thought as his body heat consumed her. Sakura bit her lip while she thought of what it would be like to have these arms around her constantly. To go to sleep in them and wake up in them. A deadly desire.

Slowly she tilted her head upward to meet his handsome face, but instead she was met by darkness.

Darkness prevented her from seeing the expression on his face. Darkness prevented her from decoding his veiled onyx orbs. Darkness prevented her from knowing if he felt half as good as she did right there and then...standing in his arms.

There was another clap of thunder just then and Sasuke released Sakura. "Ah..." He started, lost for words.

Sakura cleared her throat, "I got the flashlight," she murmured.

"Good," he said, his voice retuning to it's usual expressionless tone. "Hand it over."

Sakura did as she was told, a small smile touched her lips as his fingers grazed hers. And although the moment was brief, she'd cherish it along with the few others.

Her thoughts however, were interrupted by the sudden flash of light by the flashlight. Sasuke sighed as the light faded. Flicking the switch back and forth, he was still unable to illuminate the dark kitchen.

"So much for-"

"Wait!" Sakura exclaimed scurrying over to the cupboard. Pulling open one of the doors, she tipped on her toes and bit her lip.

"What are you-?"

"Got it!" She said. Sasuke arched an eyebrow as she rushed back to his side. She thrusted the items into his hands and took the flashlight. He ran his fingers over the waxed object and did the same with the miniature cardboard box.

"Well...this will have to do."


Itachi watched as the rain crashed against Konoha. It was refreshing too feel the light breeze that accompanied it. The days were growing hotter by the hour, the heat almost unbearable.

Involuntary ParentsWhere stories live. Discover now