Involuntary Parents [32]

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Naruto groaned as he tried to open his eyes. It was as though they were glued shut. Finally getting them open he quickly closed them again, wincing from the light in the illuminated room.

"Ahh," he hissed trying to get up. He felt a sharp pain in his cranium as he sat up in bed. His muscles felt wasted, his memory foggy. The sound of a door slamming caught his attention, causing him to look around the room.

Where am I? He thought as he scanned the environment. Shōji walls surrounded him, there was a window on his right that the sunlight streamed in from. He looked down at the futon bed on which he'd been sleeping. Only then did he notice that he was shirtless.

Naruto furrowed his eyebrows and looked around the room for any sign of the missing article of clothing. His search proved to be in vain though, he pulled back the covers for fear of his pants being missing also. He felt relief wash over him however when he found that he was still wearing them.

How did I get here? He asked himself. He tried remembering what happened the night before, but it merely increased his headache. He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. It was all a blur.

The sound of voices downstairs cut through his train of thought. There was one voice he recognized as..."Hinata," he whispered. Getting out of bed he collapsed to his knees. Every muscle in his body screamed at him. "Dammit," he muttered wincing.

"Just leave him alone Hinata, it's not like you feel anything for him," said another voice. The blonde's eyes widened when he realized that it was Shion's.

She doesn't feel anything for me, but-? His thought was interrupted by the memory of Hinata and Toneri. He gritted his teeth and frowned.

"Why are you doing this?" Hinata asked.

"Stop playing the innocent victim Hinata, it's unbecoming." Shion shot back. Naruto got up slowly and started pacing towards the closed door. "Does kissing Toneri ring a bell?"

He leaned against the door, trying to catch his breath. He didn't understand why he felt so weak, it was unusual as was his amnesia. He felt so confused, what happened after he walked out on Hinata? How did he get to where ever he was now? What happened to his shirt? And why was Hinata and Shion arguing? So many unanswered questions floated around in his already throbbing head.


"You have two choices Hinata," Shion started. Naruto slid the door to the side and felt a feeling of nausea overtake him. He needed to get downstairs fast before Hinata left, but the way his body was reacting made it extremely difficult. The metallic tide rising in his mouth caused him to clamp a hand over it.

He frantically slid back door after door as panic overtook him. Finally finding the bathroom he knelt before the toilet quickly. His eyes were squeezed shut, his hands clenching the toilet lid as he emptied his stomach.

The Uzumaki groaned as he lowered the lid and flushed away his sickness. He rested his head against the wall behind him. Opening his eyes he was surprised when everything appeared blurry. Frowning he blinked twice to get a better view.

His heart pounded in it's confined space as got to his feet. Quickly rinsing the awful taste out of his mouth he exited the bathroom. Nothing had changed, he still felt the same, nevertheless he took the stairs two by two. But to his dismay when he got to the landing at the bottom of the stairs he found only Shion.

"Where's...Hinata?" He breathed looking around, but the sound of an engine starting up answered his question.

"Hello handsome," she smiled. Naruto's frown deepened as he noticed that she was wearing his shirt. How did...? Oh no. When he didn't respond Shion sighed, "she left."

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