Involuntary Parents [22]

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That night Sakura hardly slept, she tossed and turned in bed as her thoughts went on a rampage. Finally accepting the fact that she was unable to sleep, she sat up in bed. Her hands ran over her face as she pulled her knees up to her chest. Resting her chin on the top of her knees she wrapped her arms around her legs.

"Baka Sasuke," she muttered frowning. She now realized that in the past month, while her feelings increased, his only decreased. I guess absence doesn't make the heart grow fonder. She chuckled bitterly, what was she hoping for? For Sasuke to come knocking on her door ready to tell her that she misunderstood what she'd heard? That the kiss he gave her meant everything to him? She'd sooner die before that happened.

Sakura sighed and threw herself back against her pillows. The soft sound of raindrops against the windows echoed throughout the room. A sudden chill took hold of her, making her shiver. She quickly pulled the covers over her slender frame and turned towards the vacant spot on the bed.

She closed her eyes as she remembered when she'd laid like that with Sasuke beside her. A small smile touched her lips, the thought seemed so distance, she pondered on if it had ever truly happened. Everything happened so quickly.

Sakura frowned as she thought of Karin sharing a bed with Sasuke. She grabbed one of the extra pillows and threw it across the room. It hit the wall with a low thud before falling to the floor beneath it.

Her eyes filled with tears, she was a mess of emotions. Anger, frustration, disappointment, sadness, it was all there. Sobbing quietly she ignored the sound of her phone ringing. She really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. But when it continued ringing she finally picked it up from the bedside table.

Wiping her tears, she answered the phone. "Hello?" She said trying not to let her voice break but failed miserably.

"Sakura," she heard from the other end.

"Ino?" She asked surprised. She heard a light sob and movements in the background. "What's wrong? What's going on? Are you okay?" She asked clenching the bedsheets.

Ino released another sob before she spoke, "Sakura, I..."

"You what?" Sakura urged her to carry on. Her heart pounded rapidly in its confined space, a result from the worry she felt for her best friend. But as soon as the blonde said the next sentence her heart stopped all together.

"I'm pregnant."


"I am in love with you," Augustus Waters exclaimed from the television screen.

"How can you watch this?" Naruto groaned as he watched the scene that took place in a fancy restaurant. He and Hinata had decided to watch a movie together since they both had nothing to do.

"I love The Fault In Our Stars," Hinata said petting Kurama who sat between them on the couch. He wasn't a hundred percent better, but Hana had said he'd be okay. Since then it was three days since he was brought home.

Naruto furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Hinata. In the past month the two had grown a bit closer. To Naruto's disappointment, he felt like more of a friend to Hinata than a boyfriend or even husband. Though he hadn't said anything, he didn't want to push her. If a friend was all he was to her then he'd respect his boundary...for now.

"Why?" He asked arching an eyebrow. She glanced at him and smiled.

"Because it's a beautiful love story," she answered with a shrug.

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