Involuntary Parents [16]

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"I'm surprised you didn't want to stay in Tokyo," Itachi said handing Karin a plate.

She took it gratefully and smiled, "well when mom and dad died I didn't see a reason to stay there anymore. I didn't want to stay there anymore, but then I remembered that my parents had sold their home here in order to move when this whole pandemic started so I was a little worried about where I'd stay. But then you agreed to let me stay here and the rest is history."

Sakura bit her lip preventing her from saying something inappropriate. She had moved the rest of her boxes herself and stacked them in Sasuke's— their room while he took a shower.

Itachi handed the pink haired girl a plate and earned a smile in return. "Well I hope you enjoy your stay here. I'm sure you and Sakura are going to get along swimmingly."

Both girls smile fell at the comment, they looked at each other and then turned away. "Yeah sure," Sakura muttered.

"That reminds me, how'd you guys make out yesterday with the bad weather?" Itachi asked.

"It was okay, we ended up staying at my house."

"I'm sure Sasuke-kun hated it," Karin said stacking her plate.

"He doesn't like anything really," Itachi muttered. Both of them laughed while Sakura squirmed in her seat.

"So," she started. "You and Sasuke-kun are old friends?"

Karin smirked, "yeah, I used to visit him in the afternoons since we went to different schools."

"I remember when you had that crush on him," Itachi said laughingly.

"Had?" Sakura questioned.

"Well it wasn't a crush—"

"No more like an obsession," came from behind them. Without having to turn Sakura knew it was him. He swiftly sat between Sakura and Karin at the table.

"Call it whatever you like," she blushed and pouted.

"Whatever," Sasuke muttered piling his plate.

Sakura cleared her throat, "so how long are you staying?" She asked looking at the red head.

"I'm not sure."

"You can stay as long as you like," Itachi smiled.

"Arigato." She then turned to Sasuke, "so I got in contact with Jūgo and Suigetsu and they decided to meet up with us today."

"Us?" Both Sasuke and Sakura asked.

"Mhm," she smiled. "You know to catch up."

"I think it's a good idea," Itachi said. Sakura frowned, but was taken aback by his next sentence. "As long as Sakura can go with you guys."


"No, no, there's no need for that."

Karin quickly contributed with, "yeah, she'd probably feel left out with us catching up on old times."

"Well take this as an opportunity for Sasuke to introduce his new wife to Jūgo and Suigetsu."

Karin froze and looked at Sasuke, "you're married to her?!"


"Advil, Advil, Advil," Naruto chanted as he ran from store to store.

"Ouch!" Exclaimed a young woman.

"Gomen!" Naruto said bending to help her up. Only then did he notice that it was a fellow classmate. "Shijima?" [Formally known as Aya Kanakubo, but I changed her name after my sister read the Gaara Hiden Novel]

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