Involuntary Parents [1]

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"Alright, is everyone here?" Orochimaru asked. Persons glanced around the room to check and muffled answers.

"Everyone's here," Kiba answered.

"Very well then, let's begin," he said opening the folder before him. Sakura sat up beside Ino, this was it. Whatever name was read for her, would be her life partner. Her husband.

"Wait!" Came from the door as a tired blonde leaned against the door. Panting, his tussled hair fell over his forehead and got into his eyes.

"Naruto, please sit down," Orochimaru hissed.

"Uh," he said glancing around the room for a vacant seat. The only one left was beside his friend Sasuke. Smirking he sat quickly beside the Uchiha.

"You're late," Sasuke commented.

"Thanks for the lift you promised," Naruto scoffed.

"Anytime," he smirked.

"Before I start, let me remind you that you will be married to your partner immediately," Orochimaru commented. "Names are picked at random. There will be no exchange whatsoever. You must learn to work with the person you are assigned."

"This is such a drag," Shikamaru sighed leaning back in his chair.

"That may be the case Mr. Nara, but it is essential for this village to regain stability," he retorted.

"Just get to it already," Kiba emphasized annoyed.

"Delinquents," Neji scoffed.

The pale Sensei took a deep breath before beginning. "Don't worry Teme, I'll make you the God father for me and Sakura's child," Naruto smirked.

"Who cares about Sakura? And I don't want to be apart of your off-spring's life. I already don't want one for myself, why would I want yours around me?" He said in a monotone voice.

All this really irritated Sasuke, he had lost his whole family tree basically. It was just him and his older brother that were left. He was glad, since he didn't have to take over the family business. But the fact that his older brother had little time for him, got to him. He was all he had left, but him being at work twenty-four seven was the same as him being dead to Sasuke.

Naruto shook his head at his friend. This whole ordeal didn't really change anything for the Uzumaki since he was alone from day one. He didn't have parents to mourn for. He was alone from the start.

"Hyūga Neji, your partner will be Tenten."

The class was silent as Neji furrowed his eyebrows. Tenten frowned and Lee patted her on the shoulder. The whole class knew how the Hyūga was, he believed that he was above everyone, even his cousin who was from the main household.

And now he was paired with a poor orphan, as it would appear now since her parents were dead. They were like oil and water. But they'd have to mix in order to produce a child.

"Nara Shikamaru-" Shikamaru sighed before his partner's name was called. "-your partner will be Sabaku No Temari."

The class murmured among themselves, they had no idea that they were mixing with Suna. Although most of the Sunagakure students were in a different class.

"Moving on," Orochimaru stated. "Yamanaka Ino, your partner will be Sai."

Ino blushed in her seat as she glanced at pale artist at the back. She really didn't have a problem since he was cute to her.

"Akimichi Chōji, you were paired with Karui."

"Could this go any slower?" Sasuke muttered staring out the window.

"What's the rush Teme? It's just marriage," Naruto smirked looking at Sakura at the front of the class. He just knew he was going to be assigned to her.


"Inuzuka Kiba, your partner will be Kanakubo Akira."

"Alright," Kiba smiled looking at his bride-to-be. She sat beside Karui, her bright green eyes stared at Kiba. Her long black hair cascaded down her slender form stopping mid back.

"Rock Lee, your partner will be-"

"-the lovely Sakura!" He exclaimed standing from his seat.

"Sit down Lee," Tenten scolded.

"Tomoe Momo," Orochimaru finished.

Naruto chuckled, "nice try Lee."

"Uzumaki Naruto," Orochimaru started. Naruto grinned, "your partner will be..." Naruto glanced at Sakura, "...Hyūga Hinata."

"Nani?!" Naruto yelled. Hinata sunk in her seat beside Neji. She was glad yes, but Naruto's outburst cut like a knife.

"Naruto, control yourself," Orochimaru hissed.

Sasuke smirked, "something wrong Dobe?"

"Shut up Teme," he muttered.

"Uchiha Sasuke, your partner will be Haruno Sakura," he said before closing the folder before him.

Sasuke frowned and watched as the pink haired girl glanced behind her. He thought she'd grin at him as she always did like his other fan girls. But she merely glanced at him with a pair of sad, jade green eyes. Something told him that she wasn't the Sakura he used to know.

"Come on! Teme gets Sakura-chan?!" Naruto exclaimed.

"We don't always get what we want Naruto, now sit down," came from the door. Standing there was their principal, Senju Tsunade.

"Tsunade-sama," Orochimaru said before leaving.

"Now, as of this moment, you all are married. You have one year to produce a child. If it is a case where the female is unable to fall pregnant then report to me for arrangements to be made. You will work together to restore this village."

"Yes ma'am," they all muttered.

"Good. Now, class dismissed."

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