Involuntary Parents [30]

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Naruto tried talking to Hinata the next day but she just avoided him all day. "Hinata," he said when he saw her passing.

"Gomen Naruto-kun, but Hanabi needs me," she said walking away.

He broke into a small run and grabbed her arm, "this will only take a minute," he said turning her around. His gaze met hers and he was taken aback. Her lavender eyes didn't hold that glint of happiness he had gotten used to. Instead it held something similar to sadness.

She shook her head and pulled away, "I must hurry." With that said she ran off.

Naruto sighed and ran a hand over his face. He leaned against the wall and looked up at the roof. He'd just wanted to talk to her about what he'd overheard. It was frustrating being left in the dark. Was she really going to leave him and marry that Toneri? He didn't know.

"This is really painful to watch," said a voice. Naruto quickly straightened and turned to look at the source of the sound.

"Oh, it's you," he grimaced once he saw Toneri.

"Hate me already I see," he chuckled.

"I prefer the term execrate. It's much more fitting."

Toneri scoffed, "for what? If I may ask." Naruto placed his hands behind his head and pulled his lip into a thin line in refusal to answer. "The lovely Hinata maybe?" He gritted his teeth, he didn't even want to hear him say her name. Deciding to just ignore him, Naruto started walking away. "She will be my wife."

At that the Uzumaki stopped and turned to face him. "Like hell she will!"

"She's not yours. It's not your decision to make."

"She's my wife," he retorted.

Toneri sighed, "you two got married because of a stupid law. No wedding ceremony, no nothing. Do you even have a certificate to prove that she's your wife as you claim?"

The blonde clenched his fists, "it doesn't matter-"

"Right, because from what I see, she doesn't even want to talk to you." Naruto didn't reply. "Face it, I'm better for her and you know it." The whiskered face boy simply stood while Toneri started walking. A smirk plastered on his face as he stopped beside him. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go see my Hina-Hime."

It was as though time stopped allowing those words to sink in. And just like that the situation took a turn for the worse.

He didn't know how or when it happened, all he saw was red. There was a cracking sound as soon as Naruto's fist came in contact with his opponent's face. The blue haired boy staggered back and touched his bleeding nose.

"Where do you get off calling her that?!" Naruto yelled grabbing him by the collar.

"I'll call her whatever I want to call her," he spat.

Naruto grimaced and crashed him against the shōji. "No one is allowed to call her Hina-Hime but me," he growled. The pale boy laughed, "what's so funny?"

"You've fallen in love with her, her sweet." Naruto hesitated for a moment. "I knew it," Toneri muttered releasing himself from his hold. He took a few steps back before he spoke again. "I really feel bad for you, because she will never return the gesture."

"Just shut up already!" He yelled before kicking him into the Koi pond they stood before. Naruto didn't wait to see if he resurfaced, he just didn't care.


"There," Hinata said as she finished helping her sister dress for her party.

"Arigato Hinata-nee," she said turning to face her. "Now tell me what's wrong."

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