Involuntary Parents [44]

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Song for this chapter - 'I Want You Here' by: Plumb

"The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away."

The sound of snow crunching beneath the shoes of those who had attended the ceremony could be heard along with the voice of the clergy.

He looked pale, lifeless. His eyes roamed the coffin in its entirety. His rigid stance was a clear indication that he wanted to be alone...but of course she didn't listen.

Sakura stood beside him, her nose and the tips of her ears had turned pink from its exposure to the cold air. She looked at him through tear filled eyes, but not once did he return the gesture.

This isn't real.

That was all he could think about as he stared at his brother's coffin.

This can't be real.

It was as though his whole world was falling apart right before his eyes.


His train of thought was stopped when he felt a hand against his. The Uchiha flinched and pulled away from her touch. Straightening his shoulders he moved from beside her, he just didn't want to be around her.

Especially not now.

Sakura bit her trembling bottom lip and glanced around. She knew he was hurting and she knew that part of it was her fault. She accepted that...she thought she could handle his scorn, but it was proving to be too much for her.

The pinkette's jade green eyes locked with cerulean blue ones just then. Her heart echoed in her head as she saw the level of sadness and...pity? In them.

He saw.

She watched as Hinata stood close by him, her lavender eyes held the same emotions as her husband's. Releasing a shaky breath she faced the clergy, but she couldn't shake the feeling that all eyes were on her.

"It'll be okay," she heard a voice whisper.

No, it won't.

At the feel of a hand on her shoulder, she turned to face her blonde friend. "Ino-"

"Shh," she cooed softly. "It's okay."

The pink haired girl shook her head, her tears on the verge of spilling. You don't understand Ino...this is all my fault. "He hates me," she whispered shaking her head. "He hates me."

Ino offered her a hug, which she quickly accepted. Sobbing uncontrollably, she pondered on what would happen next.

"Itachi...he was a friend of mine," they listened as Sasori spoke. "Hardworking...kind, caring...Selfless," he glanced at Sasuke. "Better than any and all of us really."

And so it went on, person after person, they all stepped forward to contribute to the eulogy. A timeless cycle. Until finally, it was the remaining Uchiha's turn.

"Hmm..." He cleared his throat as everything and everyone went silent. He looked at them all, unable to find his voice and the words to say. What could he say? They'd all summed it up.




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