Involuntary Parents [15]

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Sakura paced the room waiting on Sasuke to emerge from the bathroom. Karin, the name kept flashing through her mind. Who was she?

She pulled her lips into a thin line as she continued pacing. "Is she the reason Sasuke won't get close to me—or any female at that?!" She whisper yelled to herself.

Maybe she's just a friend, she considered the thought for a moment before going back to her previous conclusion. She was definitely more than a friend. But what did she want with Sasuke?

Before the pink haired girl could come up with an explanation of her own, the door opened. She quickly stopped pacing and stared at the Uchiha that entered.

Is love with her? The thought made her crestfallen. Here she was madly in love with someone who was in love with another.

"Don't just stand there, we need to leave soon." He said walking towards one of the boxes in the corner. "I'll put these in the car while you get ready."

She nodded mutely and reluctantly entered the bathroom. "Stop jumping to conclusions Sakura, you're not sure if he's in love with don't even know her."

She sighed and leaned against the door. She wrapped her arms around her small frame, lamenting on the way Sasuke had held her only hours ago. But a frown graced her face once she remembered the name on the caller ID.

Pulling herself together, she quickly undressed and got into the shower. She would find out just who this Karin person way or another.


Naruto sat looking at Hinata's sleeping figure. She hadn't woken up since she'd fainted and he was getting worried.

He watched as her chest rose and fell with each breath she took. At least her breathing is steady, he thought. First his dog, now his wife, his strike of bad luck chose a bad time to haunt him.

The indigo haired girl's breath hitched and he was quickly on his feet. His eyes scanned her entire body and was thankful when he saw that nothing was wrong. Naruto sighed and decided to go use the bathroom. Taking one last look at her, he left the room.

After a few moments Hinata slowly opened her eyes. She winced from the bright light and groaned when she felt a soaring pain in her head.

The Hyūga slowly removed the covers and sat up. She felt a bit disoriented as she moved. Lifting a leg she winced from the pain she felt. Her joints screamed at her with each of her movements. Before long, Hinata had managed to get both her feet on the ground.

But right as she was about to get up, the bathroom door opened and Naruto entered. "Hinata," he said rushing to her side.


"What do you think you're doing?" He asked lifting her legs back on the bed. "You need your rest," the Uzumaki placed his hands on her shoulders and laid her gently on against the pillows. Hinata hissed and placed a hand against her temple, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing," she lied.

Naruto placed a hand on her forehead, "Hinata you're hot," he said making her blush. "I mean you have a high temperature, not that you're not hot, I mean you are! With your figure and all..." He scratched the back of his head nervously, "I'll just stop talking now."

"It's just a headache," she whispered.

"I'll get you an aspirin," he said about to get up.

"N-no Naruto-kun, it's better if I take an Advil," she said quickly.

Naruto nodded, "I'll be right back." With that said he left in search of the drug.


"About time," Sasuke muttered as Sakura walked out of the house. She closed the door and joined him in the car. In a matter of seconds they were on their way home.

They both sat in an awkward silence, Sakura fiddled with the hem of her dress. The called ID still on her mind. It shouldn't really matter, either way she was the one that was married to Sasuke.

I'm just over thinking, Karin is probably just an old friend. But even so, why hadn't she heard about her before? Not that Sasuke told anyone anything, least of all persons her. It was so frustrating, she sighed and leaned against the window.

Soon they were home, Sakura got out of the car and waited until Sasuke opened the car truck. She was about to pick up a box when Sasuke stopped her.

"Just hold the door opened," he said. She frowned and marched over to the door. Opening it, she stepped to the side. Sakura watched as Sasuke carried a large box and a smaller one on top.

As he passed her she was engulfed in his aroma, making her smile. His scent was so intoxicating she wanted to be around him all day. Just to smell the sweet aroma of him.

Her smile soon fell however when there was a loud squeal. "Sasuke-kun!" Sakura turned and saw a red haired hair tackle Sasuke into a hug, knocking over the boxes in his hand in the process.

"Karin, what are you—"

"I tried to call you this morning, but I couldn't get through."

"So she called me instead," Itachi said as he entered with a smile. "Come, I'll explain everything over breakfast."

Karin pulled Sasuke from the room and Sakura was left holding the door. She walked over to the boxes that had been knocked out of Sasuke's hands and glanced over the scattered contents.

Picking up the closest thing to her, she stared at the photo of she and her family. Tears fell on the broken frame as she closed her eyes.

Her first assumption was correct, he was in love with Karin.

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