Involuntary Parents [3]

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"What are you doing?" Neji asked making Hinata jump slightly.

"U-uh...well," she started as she glanced around her almost empty room. "I-I'm packing."

"Where are you going?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"Neji-nii-san...I have to go and live with Naruto-kun," she said folding the blouse in her hands. They shook slightly as she continued.

"You can't be serious," he scoffed sitting on the edge of her bed. She shook her head and pulled her lips into a thin line. "Hinata, he can't take care of you. He hardly has living space for himself, much less for you and a baby."

What Neji said made sense, but she knew Naruto had too much pride to move in with her. And she'd follow him to the ends of the earth, so moving into his small apartment wasn't a problem to her.

"Hinata-sama," Neji said snapping her out of her thoughts.

"I-I told you not to call me that Neji-nii," she said glaring at him. Yes she was a Lady, yes her family background was linked to royalty, which was very plausible. But her parents were dead now, as were many members of the monarchy. And she didn't like to segregate herself from her cousin.

Neji sighed and closed his eyes, trying to calm himself, "I cannot allow it."

"Why?" She whispered.

"Because Hiashi-sama would never forgive me. It is still my duty to protect you."

Duty, duty, duty! That's all you talk about, she thought, but bit her lip to prevent it from escaping.

"I'll be fine," she said. "Naruto-kun-"

"Cannot take care of you!" He exclaimed.

"You d-don't know that," she stuttered as she stopped packing.

"No, but I do know that moving in with a guy who's hopelessly obsessed with another girl, is a big mistake," he spat then left.

Hinata felt the first tear fall as his words hit home. Naruto hadn't brought up the whole living together issue, but if she was to have his child then might as well they start living together.

"Baka...Baka," the indigo haired girl scolded herself as more tears fell. Neji was right, it was a big mistake...but one that she was willing to make.


"What's she doing here?" Sasuke asked as Sakura placed her bag on the ground.

"Well since you guys are husband and wife now, living together is legal," Itachi smiled.

"She's not my wife," Sasuke scoffed. Sakura frowned and turned towards Itachi.

"According to the law, she is," Itachi said glaring at his younger brother.

"Look, if this is going to be a problem, I can lea-"

"Please do," Sasuke cut her off.

Sakura's frown deepened, huffing she picked up her bag.

"No, it's not a problem Sakura, Sasuke just needs a time out," he gritted out.


"I'll show you to your room," Itachi smirked.

"O-okay," Sakura said as he ushered her upstairs.

Sakura walked on wobbly legs as she passed door after door. Finally the elder Uchiha stopped and opened one. Switching on the light, she blinked to adjust to the brightness.

"Well, here we are," Itachi said.

Sakura assessed her environment. The walls were painted in ash grey, a fourposter, double bed sat in the center. There was another door, leading to the bathroom she presumed.

"You can get unpacked," he said pointing to the closet and chest of drawers.

"Okay," she said.

"Do you want dinner? Even though it's quite late now, usually we eat earlier."

"No thanks, I already ate," she said patting her stomach.

Itachi gave a half smile, "okay, well if you need something my room is two doors down," he said. Sakura nodded, "goodnight Sakura."

"Goodnight," she said before the door closed. "At least one Uchiha is charming," she muttered to herself.

Yawning, she felt her eyelids grow lazy. Deciding to just change into something comfy for the night, she procrastinated on unpacking her stuff. Grabbing her PJs, she migrated to the bathroom.

"Why'd you bring her here?" Sasuke asked his brother as he walked into the kitchen.

"Problem?" Itachi asked.

"Yes," he muttered biting into his tomato.

Itachi got a glass and poured himself some milk. "She is your wife."

"Don't give me that whole law crap," he said.

"What were you planning to do then? Just avoid her and not do what is expected of you?"


Itachi sighed, "would you at least try to cooperate?"

"No," he said flatly. "I don't like her."

"You don't like anyone," Itachi muttered.

"That's not true," Sasuke retorted.

"Name one person you like," Itachi dared.

Sasuke paused to think. Teme? No he's too annoying, Sasuke thought. "You."

"I'm your brother-"

"It counts," he said.

Itachi smirked, "then since you like me, kind of disappointed that you don't love me, but I won't be greedy, would you please cooperate with this? For me?"

Sasuke narrowed his eyes at his older brother, the only family he had left. "I'll think about it."


"Why though? Do you have an ulterior motive?" Sasuke asked.

Itachi smiled and beckoned him over. Walking slowly, Sasuke was stopped by two fingers touching his forehead, "I'll tell you next time."

Sasuke rolled his eyes and pushed his hand away playfully. "Hn. I'm going to bed."

"Alright, goodnight," Itachi said finishing his milk.

Sasuke continued to his room. Opening his door, he marveled at the darkness, just the way he liked it. Without turning on the lights, he removed his shirt and threw it on the ground. Itachi will get it later, he thought.

Walking slowly, he got into bed and under the covers. But soon found himself on the ground, when a foot connected with his side.

There was a scream and he quickly gathered his wits and acted on instinct. Covering the mouth of the person in his bed, he stared into a pair of jade green eyes.

Realizing who the intruder was he removed his hands. "What are you doing in here?" Sakura asked sitting up. "You scared me!"

"I'm sorry?" He asked running a hand through his hair.

"What are you doing in my room?" She asked more forcefully.

"I wouldn't be so possessive if I were you Sakura," he said sending shivers down her spine.

"Why is that?" She asked as the lights came on. Taking a deep breath she realized that he was shirtless. I kicked a shirtless Sasuke!

"Because this is my room," he said opening the closet to reveal his clothes.

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