Involuntary Parents [37]

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"You haven't told him, have you?" Hinata asked watching her eat. She'd invited her over, just to talk and maybe help in some way. She shook her head, no. The Hyūga sighed and held the mug on the table with both hands. "How far along are you?"

Akira paused, "not long...three weeks, four maybe."

The lavender eyed beauty arched an eyebrow, "and how long have you known?"

She took a sip of her fruit juice before she spoke. "I found out a couple of days ago."

"He has a right to know Akira."

She sighed, "I know that but..."

Hinata furrowed her eyebrows, "but? Is everything okay between you two?"

"Everything's peachy," she shrugged taking a bite out of her muffin. The Hyūga deadpanned, "Kiba isn't the same anymore."


"He's been...I don't know, distant lately and things only got worse when Akamaru got sick. It's like I don't exist to him anymore," she murmured.

"Was that why you weren't at the Vet?" She pulled her cherry lips into a thin line and nodded. "He needed you."

She scoffed, "no he didn't...and here I am stressing myself over him while carrying his child-"

'That he knows nothing about," Hinata interjected.

The black haired girl sighed, "I just don't think it's the right time to tell him. Maybe...maybe I could wait until Akamaru gets better?"

The lavender eyed girl reached across the table and placed a hand on hers. "I understand Akira...I do, but with the world we're living in now there is never a right time to do anything...I think you should tell him, today."

She squirmed in her seat and stared at the Hyūga. She made sense and Akira knew it, she sighed and nodded causing Hinata to smile.

The door opened just then and they both turned to see who had walked in. "Hina-" The blonde stopped once he saw their visitor. "Ano...Akira, hi."
The emerald eyed girl smiled, "hello Naruto." She got to her feet, "I should get going."

"No, you should stay, I was just-"

Akira smiled, "no thanks," she said cutting off the blonde. She turned to say her goodbye's to the pale girl who was now standing. "Arigato Hinata."

The midnight blue haired girl smiled and was taken by surprised when she leaned over and hugged her. "You're welcome," she murmured stroking her hair.

The emerald green eyed girl pulled back and smiled, "okay. So I'll be leaving now."

"I can drop you..." Naruto offered feeling awkward standing in the room.

"No need, I'll just take a cab over to Hana's-" Naruto grinned causing her to stop in mid-sentence. "Nani?"

"Kiba's gone home." Both girls looked surprised.

"Is Akamaru okay?" Akira asked.

He nodded before adding, "but what's more miraculous is that...we've finally found a cure."


Sakura sat in her car recapping what Shizune had told her.


Her limp hands rested on the stirring wheel as she stared into space. Thoughts of pending death flooded her mind. "Why?" She whispered to no one in particular. Why him?

Involuntary ParentsWhere stories live. Discover now