Chapter 10: Venice boat ride.

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Chapter 10: Venice boat ride.

"I don't want to go!! I'm going to die!!" I argued with my friends during breakfast. 

"Stop being such a big baby! It's only a boat ride!" I grabbed a piece of bread and chunked it at Aman's face. 

"Can you two stop acting like children?" Sal shouted between our disagreement. 

"Seriously, people are dying in. Africa and you are wasting food!" Raj said backing Sal up. 

I glared at the both of them "Maybe if Aman wasn't such an annoying little prick!” 

"Maybe if Naina could grow some Balls!!" 

"I can't swim, do you blame me!!" 

The instructor got up for breakfast and started motioning us to go to the bus for our boat ride. I wanted to puke. I didn't want to go! I didn't want to drown this was ridiculous! 

We finally got to the boats and everyone started jumping on them before the instructor yelled for us to stop. 

"Two people to a boat and everyone form a line!" 

Everyone did what she said. I started counting pairs to see that I was going to be with Raj. Which wasn't bad considering if I was with Aman, I would be dead! Just when I was about to climb on the boat Brianna pushed me and jumped in with Raj. 

"Wth!! " I screamed. 

"Sorry freak, but he is mine." 

I looked at Raj but before he could say anything, the boat began to move. He just sent an apologetic smile. UGHH now I'm gonna be stuck with some creep. Someone passed me and jumped in to the boat. I realized who my partner was...
Ethan Meyers! UGHH I didn't have to see him since the stupid dance and now on our last day in Italy and I had to spend it with him. 

"Never mind I think I'm just gonna sit out." I turned my heels but before I could walk away Ethan grabbed my hand sending sparks through my body. 

"Naina I won't bite." Before I could protest he pulled me in to the boat making me hold onto him like dear life. 

"OMG Ethan let me go!! I want to get off!! " 

"Too late babe, we are already half way out in to the lake." 

I started hyperventilating and tearing up. "I don't want to drown or die I can't swim." 

Ethan cupped my face with both his hands and his seeped within in my eyes. "I won't let anything happen to you Naina. I swear." 


"Promise." He smiled. I don't know why but I felt as if I could trust him even though I despised his guts. 

He backed up and tried to let go but I continued to hold his arms. 

"Dang Naina I know I'm appealing to the eye but that doesn't mean you have to hold me." 

"God Ethan, I’d rather claw my eyes off then hold your hand but since I don't want to die I have no choice!! " 

I slowly pulled my long dark blue dress onto the floor. I let my hair cover my bare shoulders. I played with my bracelet and looked up to notice Ethan staring at me. 


"Umm nothing." He looked down, flustered. 

"Soo... Naina.... How do you like Italy?" 

"Other than the fact that I have to spend my last day with you, it's kind been awesome." 

"That hurts Naina." I stuck out my tongue at him which just caused him to laugh. 

"Blues a nice color on you." 

"What?!" I asked dumbfounded. 

"Blue is a nice color on you it reminds me of the first time in sixth grade where you wore a dress." 

Sixth grade, we were having picture day and right before Briana spilled chocolate milk all over my clothes. Luckily for me Sal had extra clothes just in case of emergencies. I wore a blue flower dress that day. Even though Brianna tried making me look ugly I ended up having the best picture day in my life. 

"You remember that." I smiled recalling the memory.

"I think everyone did Naina that was the first time u didn't wear pants." 

"Still..." I whispered. 

I looked around and notice Sal and Aman partnered with each other. For the first time they weren't arguing but instead they were laughing. I couldn't help but smile. They looked so cute. Aman met my eye and I winked at him and he just rolled his eyes. 
The boat began to move back and forth and I squeezed Ethan hand holding on to dear life. 

"Ethan.." I said frantically. 

"Don't worry Naina nothing going to..." Before he could say anything the boat flipped over . 
I tried to paddle myself to air but I couldn't my dress kept on entangling to my feet. I felt that I was getting deeper and deeper towards the bottom. I stared at the faint light before drifting to the bottom of the ocean. 

I woke up in my hotel room gasping for air. The instructor and doctor were relieved to see me awake. 

"What happened." I choked. 

"You almost drowned!!" The instructor screamed. 


"Yeah if it wasnt for this young boy.." The doctor motion his hand towards Ethan. 

His eyes were filled with happiness to see me awake. The doctor and instructor left the room. The instructor said she had to get back to the park where everyone else was. She said she trusted Ethan, so no funny business. 

Once she left I don't know why, but I just started bawling. I almost died! OMG I almost died! I felt strong arms grabbing me and pulling me in to their arms, trying to sooth me.

"Shhh Naina.I am so sorry. This is all my fault. I swore to you that I would never let anything happen to you and look what I did. Im so sorry Naina." 

Ethan was apologizing to me! I should have told him it was alright that its fine, but for some reason I couldn’t get myself to say those words. I just kept on replaying the boat ride over and over again. "I almost died." I said between my breaths. 

"Hey." Ethan whispered and pulled my chin up towards his face. "Look at me." I stared into his green eyes. 

"I'll never, Naina, and I mean never let anything happen to you.I won’t let you down this time I swear." 


"Promise." I buried my head into his chest and sobbed for just a little while longer 


This isnt one of my best chapters, but I will make up for it in my next chapter! I wanted to say thanks for the 200 reads in one week! It really means a lot!! 

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