The Fangirl Guide

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1. The Passionate One: You are the type of fangirl who doesn't let your enthusiasm be smushed in a box. You are the type of fangirl who lets it all out and declares your love for your fandom out loud. You are often seen clapping your hands together and jumping up and down.

2. The Know-It-All: You are the type of fangirl who knows the single most itty-bitty detail of everything. No one can beat you when it comes to having more knowledge about your fandom. You can quote episodes or phrases and throw in your fandom-references without any trouble at all because you always got it right.

3. The Creative One: You are the type of fangirl who doesn't stop till the last episode or the last chapter. You go crack your knuckles and sit down letting your creative juices flow. The fanfictions, GIFs, fan art, music videos; you're the one who helps everyone fill up their Pinterests and Tumblr blogs.

4. The Repeater: You watch a show, read a book, listen to song or watch an interview, you don't stop there like everyone else. You just have to watch it all over again. You are the type of fangirl who goes back for more and more. Wether it's rereads or watching your favorite show for the fifth time, you love it and you know once is never enough.

5. The Recruiter: You are the person who helps in building up the fandom. You don't like being the only fangirl of your favorite band in your group of friends. So you keep bugging your friends to listen to their songs. You keep spamming them to watch your favorite TV show and then you like to watch them suffer from the feels just like you did. You are a fangirl-gatherer.

6. The Closet Fan: Nobody knows how much you love your fictional characters or your singers. Nobody knows the fact that you have a secret shrine to them in your room or that you are reading your favorite book series for the tenth time or that you own thirteen fandom t-shirts, have all the fandom slogans learnt by heart and can easily quote all your favorite episodes. You just mind your own business getting away with it all.

7. The Part-Time Fan: You don't do the whole obsession ordeal. You watch the TV show, read the book, listen to the whole album but don't declare your self as the #1 fan and go ballistic. But you do enjoy the fandom, you really do. It's really entertaining for you but you also have other things going on in life for you as well so you tend to balance them out with your fandom life.

8. The Multiple Fangirl: You are the type of fangirl who just can't stick to one fandom, alright? You have multiple OTPs in multiple fandoms, know all the fandom references so you get to enjoy the multi-fandom references. And when your favorite author or band decides to go on a break, you know just how to fill in those gaps. Why be in one fandom when you can be in a million others, right?

9. The Stalker: You may as well be working for the FBI, that's how you are good at your stalking. You are the type of fangirl who might always have multiple tabs open to stalk your favorite people's Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and whatnot. You watch all the interviews, read all the articles and you adore how your favorite actors and actresses look behind the scenes or without make-up.

10. The Offended Protector: No one can mess with you. You are the type of fangirl who never lets anyone get away with insulting your fandom. You stand high and tall and have every right to embrace the other person's facial features with a brick. Because all your favorite characters (the good and the bad) are like your babies and you love them.

*It should be noted that some fangirls have the tendency to be of multiple types and may have multiple characteristics from the ones that are mentioned above.

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