Chapter 11

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Hey Guys, hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading!! Love you guys!


Chapter 11

Katherine POV

I am sweating and my heart is beating non-stop. My feet feel like jell-o and my legs are failing me. What the hell does this mean? Well maybe I know the answer: Devon. I'm a bit scared of him and this is not good. I'm not scared of him exactly, I'm scared of what he can actually do to my friends. I don't care about myself, just about my friends. Savannah, Jonathan, and Jazmyn. I hope he doesn't go as far as my family then he will have a problem with me. I may not be the biggest girl or the tallest, but I'm strong and when I'm mad, you just doubled that.

If you are asking yourself why the hell am I with him, then the answer is as clear as glass. If I break up with him, he kills everybody I love and then makes me watch what he's going to them and then makes my death ten times worse. But that's only half of the reason, the other half is that part of me prays that he changes so that we could be together. Even though I do love J, I also love Devon; I just hope he changes, so that we can be together. I know I may be delusional, but technically he was my first love or maybe my second; I still don't know cause I have no idea how long I have had these feelings towards J. I don't know, ok? Ugh, I'm going crazy, I'm lecturing with myself and mentally talking to myself. Wow, do i actually need to see a psycologist? I don't know and I really don't care right now.

Now I'm standing outside my front door, contemplating if I should go in and recieve no punishment or just bail and run like if my life depended on it, but technicallly it does. Ok, get a grip, Kat. I thought to myself. I glance at Devons car and remember the time he told me all these things he likes about me.


" Are you cold?" Devon asked with the sweetest tone, putting his jacket on my shoulders. We were in his car after seeing a movie -a horror movie- to be exact, but I was scared. I nodded and he took my hand and it started to warm me up.

" Need something to distract you?" He asked again, but this time pulling me on his lap. I have no idea how he could do that. I nodded once again, not being able to find my voice.

" Ok, well let me start by telling the stuff I like about you. Is that ok with you?" Devon said close to my neck.

" Yeah." I whispered. He held me tighter and took a deep breath.

" Well, I love your laugh, the way you wiggle your nose when you don't like somthing, I like the way you squeal when you don't know how to say something or when you just get plain frustrated." He laughed and his body shook underneath me.

" Another thing is the way you start to hum and then finish singing with that beautiful voice of yours; I love the way you purse your lips when you're trying to figure out something and the way your eyebrows arche when you're surprised. I love it when you fall and laugh about it, but then complain a bit about it was not funny -you just contradic yourself- but I still love it. I love the smell of your hair and how it bounces when you walk or twirl, I love your eyes, the are the prefect shade of hazel; they change according to your mood, which is very weird but very cute. Green is my ul-time favorite, it shows when you're thinking too much or when you laugh. Blue is when you're day dreaming or when you wear a blue shirt. Honey is when the sun hits your eyes or when you're feeling really happy, like the day I asked you to be my girlfriend. Blue-ish green is when your mood changes very quickly. Green-ish honey is when your singing and that is also one of my favorites. I love them all and especially you." He taps my nose and kisses it. My heart did 300 summersaults and my eyes got all watery, but he lift his hand indicating he hasn't finished.

" Those are just a few, I can name a 100 more, but I have to take you home." He said lifting me off his lap.


Remebering that says so much about how time can change and people can change, but maybe he's been like that all the time, maybe he's goody-boy act is just that, an act. I have no idea, but I have to face him sooner or later. I turn the doorknob and see him waiting by the kitchen. I go to him and give him a quick peck on the lips.

" Hi" I said shyly.

" Hey." He said through his teeth. Oh no, there's something wrong.

" Did you see Jonathan yesterday?" He asked.

" No" I say flatly. " Why would you ask that?" I continued.

" No reason, I just saw him enetering your house this morning on my jog." He said as if it was nothing.

" Well I guess you saw wrong. I was alone this morning." I said sweetly, I cannot have a beating today.

" Well, I know what I saw and I saw him enter this house. So don't lie to me Katherine." He is now comming towards me. I cannot show him any fear. I stand my ground.

" Well I'm not lying." He is now infront of me and his nostril were flaring. He reaches for his pocket and takes out a knife. He smacks me and punches me in my stomach. I double over in pain and saw blood comming from my mouth.

" Not so strong are you now bitch? This will teach you to respect your boyfriend." He said while holding the knife close to my arm.

He glides the knife over my skin and finally cuts me where nobody can see; my stomach. Cutting my shirt, he cuts me about 8 times, I scream in pain and he stops. His hand touches my bare, cut stomach and puts pressure on it to make it bleed more. I bite my lip to keep from sreaming. He throws me onto the floor and kicks me repeatedly until he has no more energy.

" I'm sure -pants- this will teach -pants- you to -pants- obbey me. Now get out of my sight." He said. I get up struggling and start to drag myself through my home, leaving a trail of blood. My parents are still on that trip so nobody can find me.

I manage to get to my room and into my bathroom. I turn on the shower and get into the tub, seeing the bloody water all around me. Why me? Tell me, WHY ME?


If any of you guys know somebody with an abusive boyfriend, you should stay with them at all times or check on them regularly, because just like Katherine, they could suffer this kind of abusive and nobody would know. Report it and get help, but help your friend first, the need you the most.

Thanks Guys!




- Tati

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