Chapter 7

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Alice pov
I was walking back to the Vans store when I bumped into  someone I wish I had never seen before. It was Jacob. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry......wait Alice"  he said. He tried to help me up but I just got up by myself. "Next time watch were your going ass hole" I said and walked away but then he grabbed onto my arm. "Wait Alice" "What the hell do you want" "I want to talk about what happened a couple months ago." "There's nothing to talk about. Just leave me alone." I said and let go of his grip and walked off. He came running after me and pulled me close to him. "Alice please I'm so sorry for what I did. Cheating on you was the stupidest thing I've ever done" "Jacob you didn't just cheat on me you used me to get more girls to fuck behind my back." "Alice  I know what I did was wrong and I'm so sorry. I all ways thought I needed more than one girls to make me happy but the truth is I only need you" "I don't need you in my life anymore I all ready found someone that actually loves and cares about me" I said and tried to walk away but he grabbed my wrist as tight as he could. "No your  mine and only mine. " "Jacob stop you hurting me" "No I'm not letting you go until you forgive me" he pulled me into the restroom and I tried to scream out for help." Shut up" he said and slapped me on the face.
Myles pov
We were leaving the vans store and
I notice that Alice still wasn't back. "Hey has Alice come  back yet" "No but we'll go check on her" Dom said. I nodded and they left.
Dom's pov
We were walking to the restroom and then me and Rachel heard screaming coming from the restroom. We tried to open the door but it was locked. We heard Alice scream out "Jacob please stop." "Go get the boys" I told Rachel and she ran to get the boys while I tried to open the door.
Myles pov
Me and the boys were walking to footlocker when Rachel came running towards us. "Myles some one is hurting Alice in the restroom." When we heard that we all ran to the restroom and Dom had the door open and when I walked in Alice was on the floor crying while some guy was on top of her slapping her. "Bitch get the fuck off her" I said and pushed  him off Alice and started to beat the shit out of him. Jake came in and got me off of him and Kalin held him back and got him out. I ran to Alice who was on the floor crying with Rachel and Dom. "Baby" I said and hugged her. She hugged me back and started crying even harder. "What happened" Rachel asked. Alice explained to us what happened and explained to me who Jacob was. "Baby I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner. I should have notice something was going on" "No Myles don't blame yourself it's not your fault. If you hadn't come at all he could have killed me." I then noticed that Alice was bleeding. I took out the shirt that I had bought and gave it to her. "No Myles that's your new shirt." "I don't care just take it." She took it and put it onto where it was bleeding and then we left. When we got to me and Kalins house everyone left to get food and I stayed behind with Alice. "Here sit on the couch I'll be right back." I went to get a fist aid kit to disinfect her cut and busted lip. "Ok this might hurt a lil bit." She nodded and then I cleaned her cut. "Thank you Myles" she said and kissed me and the lips. Tears started to row down her cheeks. "Baby girl your lip." "I don't care." "Well I do." I said and put away the first aid kit. "I'm sorry again that I didn't get there soon enough" "Babe what happened is not your fault so please don't feel guilty" "Ok. I love you" "I love you too"

Here's a little update for you guys. Thank you so much for reading and I love you guys. Oh. Also I'm going to introduce Cameron in the next chapter so if you want to be his girlfriend DM or comment your name, hair color, eye color and two things you love


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