Chapter 3

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Alice P.O.V
We're now at the bowling alley and I'm kinda nervous because I've never been bowling in my life. When we got to in-n-out me and Myles almost kissed.
When we got to in-n-out I notice me and Myles were still holding hands and I really didn't want to let go. When I turned to his side we were facing each other. I was looking in to his brown eyes as he was looking in to mine. He started to lean in and so was I we were inches away until I got a text. I looked at my phone and it was from Rachel asking were we were.
End of flashback
When we all got our shoes on we were ready to start the game. "So how is it going down" Kalin asked. "How about me and jake, Kalin and Rachel, and Myles and Alice." "Ok". I was up first and Myles said he was going to help me. He showed me how to throw it so I could get a strike. I tried but only took one pin down. I was pretty upset because I was probably the only 19 year old that didn't know how to bowl. But than Rachel also only took one down so it made me feel better. "So how was the car ride" Rachel said sitting next to me and Dom. I told them about how we almost kissed and all and even that I may be falling for him. "See I knew you liked him" Rachel said. "Ok I do but I told you I'm scared of getting hurt." "What do you mean" Dom asked. Great. I didn't really want to tell her but I couldn't lie to her she's one of my best friends. "Ok so you know how I've had a crush on Jacob since 7th grade" " Yea" "Ok....
It was me and Jacobs 2 year anniversary he finally asked me out in junior year. I wanted to surprise him at his house. When I got there, their wasn't anyone home but the door was open. I was about to leave when I heard someone moan out "Oh my god baby" I went up to his room and and saw him fucking my suppose best friend Pearl. When I saw that my heart broke into a million pieces. "Jacob" I say with tears streaming down my face. "Alice it's not what it looks like". Jacob says getting of her and putting on his boxers as Pearl covered herself with the sheets. "Really cuz it looks like my boyfriend or ex-boyfriend now is fucking my suppose best friend." I say yelling. Jacob came closer to me. "Ok Alice he truth is I've been cheating on you for 6 months now and I really never liked  you I just used you so other girls could notice me." "What Jacob you told me you loved me. I lost my virginity to you. I thought I was something you couldn't replace  but I guess I was wrong the only reason you were with me was so other girls would notice you so then you could go fuck them." "I'm sorry Alice" he said as if he didn't even care if how hurt I was. "And you Pearl. I thought we were best friends  how could you do this." "Sorry Alice it just kinda happened" "Fuck both of you" I say and leave Jacobs house.
End of flashback
"I also started cutting and I haven't really been the same since then" I say crying and showing her my scars. "Wow. I can't believe he did that and Pearl we've known her since 5th grade. I'm so sorry Alice" Dom says rubbing my back. I didn't answer. "Alice I know your hurt but there's someone who really loves and cares about you that won't hurt you and maybe that someone is Myles you just need to give him a chance." Dom says. "Maybe you guys are right, but does he even like me." "Trust me he does" says Rachel. "How do you know". "Well I was talking to Kalin and he does also please don't get mad but I told him." "It's ok I mean he was going to find out some way". "Hey Alice its your turn again. Wait are you ok?" Jake says. "Dom will tell you later" I say wiping my tears and getting up.
After bowling
Me and Myles surprisingly won and I actually got better at bowling. When we got home Rachel decided to go to bed so I'm now in my bed watching The Notebook on my laptop crying my eyeballs out. Until I got a text from Myles.
Cheeseburger: Hey. I heard you were crying today at the bowling alley are you ok.
Me: Yea. I'm fine
Cheeseburger: Ok. But if you need anything I'm here for you.
Me: Ok thanks
Cheeseburger: Np. So tomorrow we're having a bbq at 3:00 at our  place would you guys like to come.
Me: Yea sure I'll see you then.
Cheeseburger: ok and bring a bikini. Goodnight beautiful
Me: Goodnight  Myles 
After that I slowly started falling asleep.

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