My Indian Wedding

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Chapter one

"AN ARRANGED MARRIAGE?!" I yelled at my parents in shock. How would they even consider the idea? It was complete madness! The idea alone made me want to kill someone!

"Yes an arranged marriage." My mother replied. She said it so naturally, as if it were normal.

"BUT WHY?" I knew I shouldn't be screaming at my mom because she gave birth to me, but I couldn't restrain myself. This crossed the line.

"I do not understand why you are so mad. You have always known that you were gonna get an arranged marriage."

My mom was right about that part. I have always known that I would be forced to marry a weird Indian man, but for some reason I always had hope that I wouldn't. Even though we lived in America, my parents had this idea installed in their head that I should stay true to my Indian culture. I was never able to date or have a boyfriend and if I did, my dad would most likely take a shot gun ...... Well I don't need to tell you what would happen next.

"I know." I let out a huge sigh, "is there any way around this?"

"Naina, we shall talk about this when you get home, but in the mean time get ready for school."

I walk to my room and started screaming into my pillow hoping I would wake up from this nightmare, but I had no such luck. This was not a dream. It was reality. I started to change into my winter garment even though it was 104 degrees outside. Like I said, my parents are Indian and they believe women should be covered at all times. Don't get me wrong I believe in dressing modest and all, but seriously, was it necessary to wear a turtle neck sweater in the summer? Like come on, I'm sweating so bad that I smell like crap! And I mean actual crap!

"Naina!!!! RAJ IS HERE!!" My mother yelled from the bottom of the stair case.

Crap. I look at the clock and realize I am already five minutes late. I didn't even get to eat breakfast. I could feel my stomach eating my skin, hoping to get fed. I grabbed my backpack and ran out the door jumping in to Raj's car.

Raj has been my best friend since I was born. When we were in our mother's wombs, God destined us to be friends. My mom and Raj's mom have been best friend for over twenty years, so it's probably the only reason why my parents would even consider the idea of me talking to a boy.

"OMG Raj your car is absolutely disgusting and it smells like someone died in here!!"

"Hey!! This thing you call disgusting is my baby. Do not speak to her like that! She has feelings you know."

"Raj, I hate to burst your bubble, but your car is an inanimate object and can't have feelings."  

"Shhh she might hear you. It's okay Lilly, Naina didn't mean to hurt your feelings."


"Hey, don't judge me. You're the person wearing a sweater when it's summer!"

" It's not my fault! My parents are complete lunatics!!"

"Damn, what did your parents do to you this morning?"

"Two words. Arranged. Marriage."

"Oh, so you finally had THE TALK. Oh how I remember my sister having this talk. You know she almost killed someone?"

"But your sister didn't end up getting an arranged marriage..?"

"Yeah, but that was only because she decide to run away from home and marry her boyfriend who's a drummer of a stupid band!! And now my parents won't even talk to her because she has 'disgraced the family'."

Disgrace! I laughed at that word. My parents used it so much that it had no meaning to it now. If I didn't make an A in class I would be a disgrace to the family. If I didn't learn how to be a good house wife, I would be a disgrace to the family. If I didn't fulfill my parents wishes, I would be a disgrace to the family.

"Our parents are a piece of work." I told Raj.

"Preach it sister!"

"You realize your Hindu...!"

"Can you stop raining on my parade! Lighten up!! We are seniors!! We have at least a week left of school and then we will be free!!"

"Not me!! I'll be locked up in my mother-in law's house within a year!"

"Seriously STOP RUINING MY DAY when it hasn't even started yet! Topic changer! Are you going on the senior trip?"

"The Europe tour?! My parents won't even let me out of the house!"

"Maybe you should tell your parents that you will only agree to this arranged marriage if you can go on the Europe tour!"

"You know what Raj? That's actually not a bad idea.."

"I know I'm a genius bow down to me!"

"Now let's not get ahead of ourselves."

"Whatever we are finally here! Say hello to your last week of high school for the rest of our lives."  

I look out the window and enter my last week of torment.

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