Chapter 37

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Justin's Point Of View:
  I texted everyone to let them know to be over for dinner. I'm so confused about everything I thought Jess's mom passed away. But she said she will fill us all in and to set out the hamberguer meat, she is one weird women but I love her.

"Justin we're here" I heard Chaz yell as they all came piling in.

"Hey guys" I greeted them

"Where's Jess?" Lexie asked.

"On her way back with her mom" I replied.

"I thought she dies what's up with that?" Za asked.

"She said she will fill us in when she gets here" I replied.

We all sat there just talking about random stuff as we heard the door open and close.

"I'm home" Jess yelled.

I got up and walked over to her and kissed her cheek.

"Justin this is my mother Victoria, mother this is Justin" Jess smiled.

"Nice to meet you Victoria, I've heard a lot about you" I smiled having my hand out to shake hers.

"Its nice too meet you too Justin, I've also heard a lot about you but I don't shake I hug" She smiled and hugged me and I hugged her back.

"So I met the girls earlier who are all these young fine men" She smiled.

"Mom this is Jason, Ryan, Chaz, Za and Jordan, guys this is my mom Victoria" Jess pointed to them all.

"Nice to meet you" They all said.

"Nice to meet you all too" She smiled.

"So Justin did you set the hambergur meat for me?" Victoria asked him.

"Yes ma'am its on the counter" I replied with a smile.

"Let me go start that and I will come talk to you guys, everyone please sit in the living room" She smiled and walked into the kitchen.

"Well she seems nice" I smiled sitting on the love seat as Jess sat next to him.

"You guys will all grow to love her" Jess smiled.

"Us girls love her already she treated the girl at the wedding store, we see where you get your attitude from" Layla said making us girls laugh.

"Why did she do that?" Jason asked.

"Long story let's just say the lady was very judgmental and jealous of Jess" Lexie said.

Just then my mom walked in the room sitting in the chair in front of us all.

"Okay so I'm sure you all heard about me and are all thinking I thought she was dead? Am I right?" Victoria asked and they all nodded.

"Well I took a pill that stopped me from breathing until another pull was forced down my throat. So I had that fake funeral with my real body and when everyone left I had my friend out the pill down my throat and we paid the funeral people money to keep their mouths shut" She said simply.

"But why? Why go through all that work?" Christie asked.

"To protect all of you" She said simply and sighed.

"Christie your dad, also known as Jessica's Uncle is after Jessica and Justin and everyone who they are close to and love which is all of you, your old friends Ethan, Max, and Chase were by his side and were his insiders, but they stopped coming around you guys and helping him when they realized what his plan was, they are now in hiding and Joesph is going to kill them but he is more worried about you guys, he thinks I am dead, but I know his plan for the moment I know he is watchu g your every move, I know he has been threathing Jess through text message" Before she could say more she was cut off.

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