Chapter 34

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Jessica's Point Of View:
Today is Justin and my last day in Canada this had been the best week of my life! It went by fast, but it sure was fun. Everyone grew closer and everyone kept saying how happy they were for us.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Jessica" My dad said hugging me.

"Awe come on dad your not going soft in me now are ya" I laughed making him laugh too.

"Hey I can miss my baby girl" He laughed and I laughed too.

"Okay Jerry you have been hogging my daughter in law long enough" Pattie smiled hugging me.

"Take care of Justin" She said kissing my cheek.

"Isn't that my job to take care of her" Justin said from behind us making us laugh.

"Oh hush you goon" Pattie laughed hugging him.

"I'm so glad you found Justin. I know we haven't known each other quite long but I feel like I've known you forever" Beth smiled hugging me.

"I am glad to be apart of this family" I hugged her back.

"And you always will be dear" She smiled.

We said our goodbyes to everyone else and now we were getting dropped off at the airport. We have now been on the airplane for 5 hours and we are now landing. I'm so glad, I mean I'm gonna miss the family but I miss all the friends. We got off the plane and grabbed our luggage and looked for who was picking us up, I didn't know cause Justin wouldn't tell me.

"JESS!" Lexie screamed.

"LEXIE!" I screamed back and ran to her and jumped and hugged her.

"I missed you so fucking much! Don't ever leave me for that long ever!" She punched me in my arm crying making me cry.

"I'll take you with me next time then" I smiled and she laughed.

"What am I chopped liver?" Jason asked pretending to be hurt.

"Oh right how could I forget Lil ol' Jason" I laughed hugging him.

Justin hugged Lexie and Jason took and we got into the car and drove home.
Everything was perfect, there was no more trouble, no more drama, and I was marrying the love of my life.

New Text Message:
Unknown Number
'So little Miss Jessica you may think your life is all sunshine and rainbows, well news flash baby, I'm back and its about to get bumpy'

I just stared at the phone not knowing who it was or what they wanted but they gave me goosebumps and I was scared.

"What's wrong baby?" Justin asked concerned.

Should I tell him? What if its just a prank? Maybe I will just wait til I get another text or something.

"Oh umm nothing, just thinking" I smiled and he kissed me.

I pray nothing happens.

I know this is a short chapter but its not suppose to be long. But sit back for another journey cause its about to get bumpy.

And I would really like you guys to comment on my chapters to tell me how they are.. it would mean a lot...

But anyways who do you think it is? Is it someone from there past, someone seeking revenge or just a prank? Let me know(:

I enjoy this book soo much and I hope you do too!!!



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