Chapter 8

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After we all sat at Justin's on the couch I got a phone call from my dad, I walked into the other room to answer it.

"Hey dad" I answered.

"Hey sweetie, can you come home I gotta take mom to the hospital" he said.

"What happened? Is everything okay" I asked concerned.

"Yeah her stomach is just hurting so im gonna take her up there to see what's wrong" He replied and I calmed down.

"Alright I'll be there soon, do you care if Lexie comes over so I don't gotta be there alone? She isn't staying the night though" I said.

"Yeah that's fine Sweetie. I'll keep you updated, love you" he said.

"Love you" I said and hung up.

I walked back into the living room and everyone looked at me.

"Everything okay sweetheart" Justin asked.

"Yeah my dad just wants me to come home so he can take my mom to the hospital" I said.

"Oh my god! Is she okay?" They all asked concerned and I giggled.

"Yeah she is fine her stomach just hurt dad is gonna take her up to make sure everything is okay, but Lexie would you come to my house with me so I don't got to be alone and we could have a girl night?" I asked with a I'll love you forever smile.

"Of course! It's been forever since we had a girls night" she said excited.

Lexie kissed Jason goodbye, I looked at Justin and pouted. I pouted at Justin and he got up and wrapped his arms around my neck, He stroked my hair and kissed my forehead.

"Shh don't cry, daddy's here" he laughed make Lexie and Jason laugh too. I pushed away from him and gave him the dirtiest look ever.

"Don't say that ever again, you just made me think of my dad" I laughed seriously, and they all laughed with me.

"Call me later beautiful" he said.

I gave Justin a hug and a kiss goodbye and Lexie did the same with Jason. We walked outside and my parents car wasn't there they must have left already. We walked into my house and straight into the kitchen of course knowing us.

"Hungry?" I asked.

"Of course" She laughed.

"How does pizza sound" I smiled.

"Mouth watering" we laughed.

I popped a pizza in the oven and sat across from Lexie at the island.

"Im in love with Justin" I smiled.

You should have seen her face, it was priceless!

"You what! Aweee did you tell him?" She asked.

"Actually he told me" I blushed.

"Wait what?" She said shocked.

"After the fight yesterday we came back here and went to his house and after I got off the phone with my dad, he was like "Jess?" I said "Yeah" then he said "I'm in love with you" and I was shocked but then I said "I'm in love with you too Justin" I said.

"Wait woah! You made Justin Bieber fall in love?!" She asked again in shock and I laughed.

"I guess so, Lex you don't know the feeling I get when i'm with him. I feel safe and like I can be myself and he won't judge me, when I kiss him I feel electricity and when I hear his name or his voice I get butterflies, when I see him my heart races a million miles a second. I am so in love with him it's consuming me" I said smiling thinking about him.

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