Chapter 57

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Justin's Point Of View:
We were in the process of moving all the bodies and putting them in a car and burning them. Its been about an hour since I spoke to Jess and I still haven't talked to her nor have I seen her. That was until her car pulled up and I smiled brightly. Thalia rushed out of the car with tears in her eyes as she ran towards me.

"Thalia what's wrong?" I asked worried as I didn't see Jessica in the car.

"He- he took her" She sobbed.

"Who took her?" I snapped.

"Mark!" She said and my blood boiled immediately.

"Where are my kids?" I asked and she pointed to the car crying. I ran to the car and got my babies out. Jason and Ryan said they called Layla and Lexie and they were on their way.

"Okay Thalia we are gonna go find Jessica. I need you to watch Brayden and Alana until we get back. Lexie and Layla will be over to help you in a bit" I said and she nodded. I handed her Brayden and Alana and she went inside. We looked around the house to make sure nobody else was here. I set the alarm system and Jason, Ryan, Fredo, Za, Chaz, Jordan and I left.
I pulled out my phone to call Jessica and when she answered it wasn't Jessica.

"Hello Justin" Mark said and I was now beyond pissed.

"Where that fuck is she Mark!" I yelled gribbing my hands on the steering wheel.

"Now now Justin, yelling won't get you no where besides making me mad" He tisked.

I muted the phone and told Chaz to track her phone down while he was occupied.

"I don't give a fuck if I piss you off or not! You pissed me off taking my wife who I'm gonna find and I'm gonna fucking kill you!" I snapped and all I seen was red.

"Who said she isn't already dead" He replied sadly but snarky and hung up.

"Don't listen to him. She's not dead he wants her alive" Ryan said patting my shoulder.

"Did you track it? I asked Chaz.

"Hell yeah I did, they are at a abandoned warehouse about 20 miles from here" He said and I sped off.

Jessica's Point Of View:
I woke up in a dark room. I couldn't see nothing but the light at the bottom of the door. I tried to move my hands and feet but I couldn't I tried to scream but I couldn't. Then I rememebred I got kidnapped by Mark. Just then someone walked in and turned on the light, suprised by the brightness I closed my eyes.

"Open your eyes bitch" I heard the voice that made me cringe.

"What the fuck do you want Mark!" I spat.

"Oh but you already know baby" He smirked as he ran his hand up my thigh as I spit in his face.

"You stupid slut!" He spat and punched me as I cried.

"Now look what you make me do" He sighed and pulled a knife out.

"What you wanna kill me? Do it then bitch stop using your words" I laughed in his face.

He dragged the knife across my cheek as I felt a sting and the blood dripped from my cheek.

"You little bitch you fucking cut me!" I hissed.

"I'm tired of your mouth bitch" I spat and covered my mouth again.

Justin's Point Of View:
We arrived to the warehouse. It was about 3 stories tall and was run down.
We grabbed the guns and a bomb from the trunk of the car and put on our bullet proof vest.

"Okay here's the plan. Jason, Ryan and I will go through the front door and take the top 2 floors. Jordan, Chaz and Za you guys go through the back door and take the first floor and the basement. Kill everything you see and find Jessica. If you find Jessica use the walkie talkie and tell me. When you kill everyone go outside. Also Za out the bomb in the basement and set it for 20 minutes" I said and they nodded and we went our separate ways.

Jason, Ryan and I went through the front door and immediately started shooting. We ran upstairs and there was 3 men walking down the hall way we shot them and ran down the hall and stopped. We looked left and right, we seen 2 men standing in front of a door to our right.

"Guy's Jessica is probably in that room" I whispered.

"Guys head upstairs and kill everyone then go back downstairs and go outside I got this" I said and they nodded.

I looked around the corner and shot both guy's. I ran towards the room and stood in front of it as I sighed hoping Jessica is in here.

"Hey!" A guy yelled as he shot me in the stomach. Lucky for my bullet proof vest, when he seen I didn't go down his eyes were wide and I smiled I shot his in the chest and he dropped. I opened the door and entered a dark room. I turned on the light and there she was. Looking pale, bags under her eyes, dry tears, blood running down her cheek. I cried at the sight of her. I didn't protect her, I was late saving her she looks so weak.

"Jessica" I whispered and her head snapped up with tears in her eyes.

I ran over to her and removed the tape from her mouth. I cuppes her cheeks and kissed her.

"I'm sorry" I whispered and kissed.

"I'm so sorry" I whispered as untied her hands, and then her feet.

"Well look what we have here. Isn't this cute" I heard a voice from behind me, I turn around to see Mark standing in the doorway with a gun.

"Mark" I spat as I pushed Jessica behind me.

"You are making it easier for me to kill you all" He smiled and I looked at my watch we had 7 minutes til the bomb blows.

"When I say run Jess, you need to run, don't stop, don't look back" I whisper and she nods as I kiss her cheeks. I turn around and charged towards Mark taking him down. We are currently punching each other while on the ground.

"Run!" I yell to Jess and she just stands there looking utterly shocked.

"JESSICA RUN!" I yell again and she does as I say.

Jessica's Point Of View:
It was all happening so fast, Justin and Mark were fighting and I don't know who will win. All of this is happening because of me because oglf my past. I put all these people in danger. I was running I don't know where I was going but hopefully I would find a way out. I was running when I heard a gun shot and I stopped and immediately thought of Justin. I started crying I really hope it wasn't him who got shot. I remember what Justin said 'don't stop, don't look back' I ran upstairs and through a door. I was on the roof. Fuck! I looked over the ledges and I didn't see a fire escape but there was a river it was about 10 feet away from the building. Just then I heard the door open so I his behind a giant vent not knowing who it could be.

"Jessica!" I heard Mark him yell which only meant one thing. Justin was shot.

I started to cry, I can't believe it I have to go find him. I stood up and went to run for the door. But it was locked.

"You can't run no ore Jessica, I'm gonna kill you no" He smiled walking towards me as I was walking back. I have to get off this roof and the only way is to jump. So that's what I did I walked to the middle of the roof and I ran. I ran and jumped off the building, and in the process of that he was shooting at me and I felt a bullet go into my arm. I hit the water hard, I made it into the water, I came up and I seem him look down. I swan to the edge of the water just when the building exploded. It all went up into flames. I crawled onto the surface and I cried! Justin was dead...

Oh my god

Justin is dead!!!

Mark is dead!!!

I'm crying right now like literally!!

The book is almost over just 3 more Chapters.

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