He's perfect❤

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As I looked to my left I seen a tall, built figure sitting on a chair on the back porch. But not just any tall figure, a hot, brown haired, gorgeous brown eyes man. His name was Justin, everytime I looked at him I felt like time just stopped, he was perfect in everyway!

"JESSIE!" Lexie yelled from inside the pool already, which cause a look from Justin.

He smiled at me which made my heart race a million miles a second.

"Coming" I replied but before I could even step on the first step I head a voice.

"Hey" Justin said standing at the end of his porch by mine.

"Hey" I smiled and walked towards him, I looked at Lexie who was smiling like no tomorrow.

"Your new here right?" He asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I am just moved here from New York. It's actually going pretty well so far" I replied with a giggle.

He smile and laughed, "I'm Justin" He said smiling his amazing smile that just made me melt.

"I'm Jessica" I said.

"So I heard" he said with a smile and looked at Lexie.

She turned her head whistling so I knew she was up to no good.

"So your stalking me now?" I said smiling.

He chuckled, "No more like wanting to know you" He smiled and walked inside.

I was stuck there frozen, the hottest guy in school wanted to know me? Probably just one of his bad boy one night stands, I thought to myself. I walked down the back step and got into the pool.

"You told him my name" I glared at Lexie.

"Yeesss, but he asked and I couldn't not tell him, he seemed interested" She smile.

"Probably for one of his one night stands" i scoffed.

"Actually, he never cared to know the names of his one night stands, and the way he looked at you in class today Jessie, I never seen him look at a girl like that" She said seriously.

I just blushed and stayed quietly. Is she trying to point out that he could see me as more than a one night stand? After about a half hour of just relaxing in the pool we were called inside for dinner. We sat tgere and ate.

"So Jessie already caught a boys eye" Lexie said making my parents stare at me.

   I gave her a death stare and she smiled, i flipped her off and went back to my plate.

"Already, what's his name?" My mom said as my dad scoffed looking like any dad would.

"His name is Justin, and we literally just talked outside, so I don't think I caught his eye" I said.

"You mean the handsome young gentleman that lives next door with his mom?" My mom asked.

"Yep he was pretty much drewling over her in class today when he saw here" Lexie said with a laugh.

"He's really cute, but he probably just sees me as one of his one night stands" I said annoyed at the conversation.

We sat in silence until we all finished dinner. Me and Lexie told my parents goodnight, we got up into my room and I threw a pillow at Lexie.

"Really Lexie" I said as I attacked her with a pillow.

"I had to I'm sorry he really likes you, I cant tell" she managed to get out with laughter

I stopped hitting her with a pillow and went to take a shower. I turned the water on hot, stripped from clothes and got into the steamy water. I washed my hair, then my body it was about 20 minutes later, I got out wrapped myself in my towel. I walked out of my room and went to.my dresser, I grabbed a clean bra and underwear and a tank top, and yoga shorts that hugged my curves. I threw my hair in a messy bun.

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