~Chapter 16~

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Jessica's Point Of View:
     "How did the cops not show up!" I yelled. As we all were standing in the living room.

"They called this morning, but they said they didn't know who it was" My dad said walking into the house along with all of our parents. I ran up to him and gave him a hug and we were now all hugging our parents and each others parents.

"Dad I know who it was" I said putting.my head down.

"Who is it?" My dad replied.

"It was Mark" I said flatly.

"He hasn't been around since school sweetheart, you don't for sure if its him" He said. I ran up the stairs into my room and grabbed the picture I had put in a plastic bag to the police, I ran back downstairs and handed it to my dad.

"It was a picture of me and mom and I cut out Mark, he switched the picture to.a nrw one and cut out mom, Look what he wrote" I sighed.

"Miss me" My dad said outloud. He grabbed his keys and went out to his car.

"Where are you going Jerry?" My mom yelled.

"To the police station, sense they don't know a fucking clue when they see one" He snapped getting in the car along with Jason, Fredo, Za and Lexie's dad.

"Well I wasn't expecting- OW!" My mom yelped hold her stomach.

"Mom are you okay?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah I think she just- Ow" She yelped again.

"Mom we need to get you to a hospital I think your going into Labor" I said me and Justin helped her to the car.

"Fredo, Za, Ryan, and Jason follow us to the car, Lexie you can ride with either of us" Justin said.

"She is like my mom I am gonna ride with you guys" Lexie said getting into the front seat while Justin drove and I was in the back. Fredo, Jason, Ryan and Za got into the Range Rover and followed behind us.

"Dad?" I said over the phone.

"Is everything okay Jess" He asked.

"We are on the way to the hospital, mom is going into Labor" I said.

"Fuck! Well I am here talking to a police officer roght now, I will be there as soon as possible" He said panicking, my mom grabbed the phone from me.

"Jerry I swear to- Ow, if you are not there by time I have this baby I will rip your head off and I am not talking about the one above your shoulders" My mom snapped making us laugh as I took the phone back.

"I'm scared to come now" My dad said making me laugh.

"You will be fine as long as you get there in time, she is just in pain" I said smiling.

Just then we pulled up to the hospital and I told dad that we are here and I had to go. I jumped out and ran inside grabbing a wheelchair and taking it outside. We helped my mom into the wheelchair as Justin rolles her inside.

"We need some help" I yelled as a nurse walked up.

"What's wrong?" The nurse asked.

"What does it look like! I am having a fucking baby" My mom snapped making us all laugh.

"I'm so sorry she has been doing this to everyone" I apologized.

"It's fine it happens all the time, let's get you into a room" the nurse said smiling as she rolled her into a room and a doctor came in.

"We are gonna go sit in the waiting room" Fredi said as him, Za, Ryan, and Justin left the room just leaving me, Lexie and my mom and the doctor in the room.

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