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Justin's Point Of View:
I woke up at 7 in the morning. Why? I have no clue, everyone was still sleeping. Everyone went home last night to pack their belongings but Victoria thought it was best if we all stayed here. I decided to make everyone breakfast, I don't know how long til we will be here again so I thought was last family breakfast wouldn't hurt.

"I smell food!" Chaz yelled coming down the stairs.

"Of course you do Chaz" I said laughing.

"What are you making?" He asked.

"Chocolate chip pancakes, scrambled eggs, hash browns, bacon, sausage, and chocolate milk" I replied.

"I think I'm in love" He laughed.

"Your gay" I laughed.

"Not with you dip shit, the food, that sentence" He said his mouth watering.

"Go wake everyone up breakfast is ready" I told him while getting the stuff to set the table.

He ran upstairs with a pan and a spoon and started beating them together yelling 'Wake up, Breakfast'
I can't help but laugh at him. But next thing you know everyone is coming out if their rooms, smacking Chaz and coming downstairs.

"Good morning" I greeted them as we all sat down.

"It would be if Chaz woke us up a non annoying way" Jess complained and everyone agreed.

"Who wants to say the prayer?" Talia asked.

"Me!" Layla said as we all joined hands.

"Thank you lord for this food in front of us, and thank you for waking us all up this morning and letting us live another day, also thank you for this amazing group of friends that has turned into family and for all the fun memories and lives you bring to us" She smiled and we all said Amen.

With that we all dug in, and may I dah it was the best meal I've had in a while.

"That was amazing Justin I didn't know you could cook" Victoria said.

"That's cause this is the first time we've met" I laughed as I put my plate in the sink.

"I guess your right, you go get your bags in the van I'll do the dishes" She said and I nodded.

"And Justin" she said.

"Yeah?" I said looking back.

"Thank you" she said simply.

"For what?" I asked.

"Taking care of my daughter, and loving her unconditionally, she's been through a lot and I know you have too, I know a lot about you Justin, I know you were in a gang, I know your father was too, but I also know that you've never loved someone as much as you love my daughter, and she has never loved anyone as much as she loves you, and I know she is in good hands with you, I'm glad to call you my son in law" She smiled.

"That means a lot Victoria, and I promise to always love and protect Jessica" I smiled back.

"I know you will" She said and hugged me.

Jessica's Point Of View:
1 hour later...

We were all putting our have in the van. My mom was driving, Chaz was in the passenger seat me, Justin, and Lexie were in the 1st row, then Layla, Ryan, Bella and Jason in the 2nd row, then, Za, Talia and Jordan, and Christie in the 3rd, it was a big van kinda like a church van.

"Mom where are we going?" I asked we are going to a hide out in the middle of Ontario, Canada" She replied and I nodded.

"How long will it take?" Layla asked.

"About 6 hours" She replied.

"Well in sleeping" Layla said and we all laughed but agreed.

"I hope they don't find us" I whisper my head on Justin's shoulder.

"They won't, and if they do I will protect you baby girl I promise" he said kissing my head.

5 hours later...

I was sleeping and next thing you know I wake up to a jump. I opened my eyes and we were driving really fast.

"Mom why are you driving so fast?" I asked kind of frightened.

"They are following us, I'm trying to get away, wake everyone up" She said looking scared herself.

"Guys wake up" I said smacking everyone.

"Ow! Jessica!" Jason said sternly.

"Guys here's the plan I'm gonna lose them around this corner stop the van and as fast ad you can get out and grab your bags and we will run straight ahead, the cabin isn't far from here" she said and we all nodded.

My mom whipped the van around the corner and stopped, she put the car in park and turned it off. We hurried out of the van and grabbed our bags and ran down the road.

"Victoria we've been running for hours, when are we gonna be there" Za whined.

"Just a few more minutes" my mom replied and we all whined.

I swear we have been running for 3 hours! I'm exhausted.

"We're here" my mom said making us all cheer.

This was no cabin this was way to amazing to be a cabin, it was a mansion cabin!

Well another chapter down more to go(: I really did miss writing g this book, it takes my mind off stuff

I hope you guys aren't mad that I haven't been updated I'll update as much as I can today because tomorrow , Saturday and Sunday I'm gonna be busy so I won't be able to.

So I'll try to get at least 5 chapters done today.

Anyways love you guys(:

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