Chapter 55

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Jessica's Point Of View:
Its been 2 weeks since we were able to bring Brayden and Alana home. These kids have stolen everyone's heart. Brayden looks like Justin he had light brown hair and caramel eyes. While Alana looked like me, she had somehow gotten blonde hair and these beautiful turquoise blue eyes that were amazing.

"Baby guess what!" Justin said running into the living room jumping on me as I laughed.

"I got a job!" He smiled and k was shocked.

"Seriously where?" I asked.

"The police station. Along with Jason, Fredo, Ryan, Za and Chez" He smiled proudly.

"Oh my god baby congratulations" I cheered cupping his cheeks and kissing his lips.

It turned into a heated make out season on the couch.

"Where are the babies?" Justin asked pulling away from the kiss.

"Down for their nap" I said and he smirked and continued kissing me with much passion.

"Where is my god- oh" Lexie stopped as I heard some laughs.

We pulled away from the kiss and sat up and seen Lexie, Jason, Layla and Ryan standing there smirking.

"Well of your busy we can go" Ryan chuckled making me blush.

"Yes go" Justin smirked and I smacked him.

"No its fine you guys can stay" I smiled and glared at Justin and he pouted.

They all came and sat around the living room.

"Your guys bellies are getting so big' I smiled reffering to Lexie and Layla's pregnant bellies.

"I found out what I'm having yesterday" Lexie smiled.

"What are you having?" I asked.

"A girl!" She said excitedly.

"Yay! Do you have a name picked out?" I asked and she nodded.

"Jason picked it. Jason tell them" She said grabbing his hand.

"Emily Rose Jones" He smiled and me and Layla awed.

"That is so cute!" Layla squealed and I agreed.

Just then I heard the familiar cries I adore. Justin stood up and went upstairs into their room. He came down with a smiling Brayden and Alana. Lexie ran up taking Brayden and Layla ran up grabbing Alana and I smiled.

"I can't wait to have my baby" Lexie smiled kissing Brayden's cheek.

"So when do you guys start working?" I asked the boys.

"Tomorrow" Ryan said proudly as Jason and Justin smiled.

"What time?" I asked Justin.

"Tomorrow we got to be there at 8 in the morning for training" He said simply.

"Not that we need any" Jason said making us laugh.

We sat there for a bit talking and playing with the babies. They finally left and the babies were put to bed and were laying down. I had my head on his chest as I faced his tattoo's and he had his arms wrapped around me securely.

"Babe can you please be careful tomorrow" I said sadly and he looked down at me at kissed my forehead.

"I promise baby, and this will be more protection from your Uncle" He said and I nodded and fell asleep.

**The Next Morning**
I woke up to the sound of crying coming through the baby monitor. I looked at the time it was 10 in the morning. Justin must have gotten up with the babies in the middle if the night. I got up and walked into Brayden and Alana's room and picked them up and changed their diapers. I walked downstairs and put them in their baby swings as I walked into the kitchen and made them bottles. I gave them their bottles and used their blankets to support them up. I seen a note on the living room table.

'GoodMorning My Beautiful Queen,
If your reading this I left for work I would have woken you up but I know you need your rest especially with our crazy kids. I took the night shit last night for you and don't worry I kissed you goodbye this morning. I'll call you on my break. I love you baby and if anything happens please call. I'll be home at 7 tonight.'
Your husband

I smiled at the letter and pulled out my phone to call my mom.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey mom" I smiled missing her.

"Hey baby girl" She replied.

"Where have you been? I miss you and want you to meet your grand kids" I sighed and so did she.

"I wanna see them too baby, I've just been so busy with work. I come see you guys in a couple days I'll call okay?" She asked.

"Okay. Love ya" I said and with that I hung up.

I then dialed Layla's number.

"Hey bitch" She answered and I smiled.

"Hey what's up?" I asked.

"Just hanging with the girls" She replied.

"You guys should come over. I'm lonely here with just me and my babies" I sighed.

"We are in our way" She said and with that I hung up.

Justin's Point Of View:
I arrived at work along with Jason, Ryan, Fredo, Za and Chaz.

"Hello you must be the new boys" An older man said and we nodded.

"I'm officer Brown. Follow me' He said and we did.

"Boss they are here" He said with a smile as we walked into the room and Officer Brown left.

"Alright boys let's get straight to business. I'm your boss call me Bryan. We are going to be testig your fighting and your armor skills" He said as he stood up and we followed him into a room that had a ring. Yup this was gonna be a long day.

I thought about how Victoria told Jessica that she works for an under cover agency at the police station and this is the only one in town.

"Hey Bryan can I ask you a question" I said.

"What is it Bieber" He said.

"Is there anyone named Victoria Wright that works for your undercover agency?" I asked him.

"No I've never heard of that name before sorry" He said and walked away as I seen Ryan in the ring beating the shit oglut of some guy.

I should have known she lied. What else is she hiding.

Ugh oh.

Victoria was just caught in a lie. What else is she up to?

Keep reading to find out(:

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