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Alana and Brayden are now 17 years old. They are Seniors in high school along with their best friends who are pretty much their cousins. Emily, Stella, Rose, Mason, Carter, Tyler, Alana and Brayden face high school together. They are the closest group of friends you'll ever meet just like their parents were. Alana is a gorgeous 17 year old. She is 5'2 has golden blonde hair and gorgeous turquoise blue eyes. She is very athletic and the captain of the cheerleading team. Brayden on the other hand is a single handsome 17 year old. He's 5'11 dark brown hair and his beautiful hazel eyes. He is very muscular and very fit. He is the Quaterback for his schools football team. Emily is a beautiful 17 year old. She is 5'5 has long black hair with light brown eyes. She's back up captain on the cheerleading team. She is very into gossip she knows everything about everyone. She is Alana's best friend. Carter is a handsome 17 year old who's 5'11 He has blonde hair and green eyes he is the runner back for the schools football team, Braydens best friend. He is the schools biggest player. But Carter has a secret crush on one of his close friends and he's also very fit. Stella is a beautiful 17 year old who's 5'3 with red hair and green eyes. She runs track and also has a crush on a close friend. Mason is a gorgeous 17 year old who's 5'11 with jet black hair, blue eyes he's very muscular he's also on the football team. He's another school player and every girl wants him. Alana use to have a crush on him. Rose is a beautiful 17 year old who's 5'4 with strawberry blonde hair and brown eyes. She runns track with Stella and gets along with everyone. She is nice and outgoing. Finally there is Tyler he is a handsome 17 year old with brown hair and gray eyes. He's 5'10 sweet, on the basketball team. He has a girlfriend her name is Ally they have been together for about a year. She is really nice, she has brown hair and brown eyes and she's really pretty.

Justin, Jason, Ryan, Fredo, Za, and Chaz still work at the Police Station. Jessica, and Layla are doctors. Lexie is a lawyer, Thalia, Haley, and Violet have there own hang out for teenagers which is where every teenager goes after school.

You'll learn more about each of these new and old Characters if you read the next book.

The next book is called Always Hold On it's the sequel and I hope you guys like it

I hope you all enjoyed this book as much as I did(:

But the sequel will be better!

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