Chapter 13

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  The guy in the picture is Ryan, Bella will be the next photo.

Justin's Point Of View:
  We all got into the rental car that Za rented and headed to club Liquor.

"Who is gonna be the Designated driver?" Jess asked.

"I'll do it since im not a big drinker, plus someone is gonna have to watch out for everyone and explain everything that happens" Chance said and we all laughed.

"Thanks Chance, you deserve at least on drink for that" I said.

We arrived to the club and there was quite a lot of people. We all headed straight for the bar where I gave the bartender my card and told him that only all drinks for Jessica, Layla, Max, Fredo, Za and myself were put on this card. Then Jason handed him his card and told him that Lexie, Ryan, Christie, Ethan and himself would be put on that card, that is why it is great me and Jason and our parents are rich.

"What do guy's say? Shot of vodka?" I asked.

"Yeah sounds good" Everyone agreed.

"To my new group of friends" Jess said holding her glass up and we all clinked our glasses together and said friends for life, and threw our heads back and took the shot and sucked on a lemon.

"Babe you want anything while I go up?" I asked Jess.

"Hmm how about a bloody mary" She said and I kissed her cheek and went to get our drinks.

"Hi I'll have a bloody mary and half vodka half coke" I said and she nodded then went to making our drink.

Jessica's Point Of View:

    "Hey Jessica" I heard a male voicr I didn't want to hear.

"What do you want Lucas!" I snapped and turned to face him.

"Dang Jess no hey how you doing" Lucas said and smirked.

"No! And how do you know my name? I never told you" I said getting a little scared.

"Oh I ughh.... heard your friend say it, would you look at the time gotta run" He said and walked away fast. That was weird I thought to myself.

"Who was that babe" He asked handing me my drink.

"Thanks, and just some random guy" I said lying.

"Okay" He said obviously not convinced.

"Jess! Come dance with us" Layla and Lexie said.

I hurried up and downed my drink and walked to the middle of the dance floor with them. Can't stop dancing by Becky G was playing so I swayed my hips to the music.

"Damn Jess I didn't know you could dance like that" Lexie said as someone grabbed my hips I turned around to find no otber than Lucas, so I pushed him off of me.

"What the hell Lucas!" I snapped and he pulled me closer.

"Don't act like you don't like it, your boyfriend can never touch you like I could" he whispered in my ear.

"Your right hun he probably couldn't, because he touches me a hell of a lot better" I whispered and punched his jaw.

"You shouldn't have done that sweetheart" He said stepping closer to me.

"Get the hell away from my girl Lucas!" Justin snapped.

"Ah Justin long time no see man" Luxcas said smirking.

"Yeah so lets keep it that way before I have to beat your ass again" Justinf snapped stepping towards him but I grabbed his arm and felt him calm down some.

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