She is a used bitch

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Justin's point of view:

As I got back inside my house after me and Jessica's perfect date, I couldn't help but smile. I leaned against the front door for god knows how long until I was interrupted by my mom.

  "Are you okay?" She asked concerned.

"Just perfect" I smiled

   "Good night" she asked annoyed.

I never really had a serious relationship before, it was all one night stand and my mom knew that but she knew I wasn't gomna change nothing, I was a hormonal teenage boy.

    "Justin when are you gonna stop these one night stands, and go on a date and get serious with a girl" my mom asked annoyed and upset.

  "Actually mom I went on a date tonight with the world's most beautiful girl" I said blushing.

   My mom stood there in shock and signaled me into the Living room.

    "What's her name? What is she like? What grade is she in? Where does she live? When can I meet this girl?" My mom asker seriously.

   "God mom your so nosey, Her name is Jessica, she is smart, beautiful, silly, funny, caring, lovable, and she is the most unselfish person I know mom she cares about others before herself, She is a senior, and she lives next door, and hopefully soon mom, I have never felt this way about a girl mom, I always thought about just fucking them and leaving them but the days she walked into that classroom door on the first day I knew she was different , she gave me butterflies and made my heart race and I didn't even know her. I knew that she was gonna be mine mom, and she will be, I won't stop trying until the end of my days mom." I finished smiling.

I walked upstairs to go into my room to find Jazzy standing outside her room.

"What's wrong Jazzy?" I asked.

"I can't sleep" she said rubbing her eyes.

"You can sleep with me tonight" I picked her up and layed her on the bed next to me we cuddled and fell right to sleep. I woke up the next morning to get ready for school. Thank god it was a Friday, I put on a black pair of sweatpants and a white T-shirt and my Armani jacket and white Jordan's. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs, I didn't eat breakfast cause I wanted to make sure that I caught Jessica before she left to see if she wanted to ride to school with me. I stepped outside and her car was still in the driveway, I walked up to her door and knocked. Her dad opened the door and smiled, letting me in.

"Morning Justin, what can I do for you" he asked.

"I was actually gonna see if Jessica wanted to ride with me to school today." I smiled.

Just then she came downstairs, in a purple pencil skirt and a black tube top with roses on it and silver sandels, she had her hair braided to the side and had no makeup on.

"Wow you look beautiful Jess" I said smiling out of this world.

"Even without makeup on" she said and put her head down.

I walked up to her and lifted her chin with my hand so she was staring into my eyes.

"Jess you look beautiful with makeup on, but you look gorgeous without it on" I dsid and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you" She blushed.

"So do you want to ride to school eith me since our best friends are dating now" i chuckled, she nodded.

We drove to school and she was singing to the music. We pulled into the parking lot and got out, everyone was staring probably because they thought Jess was a easy hoe since she was new and just got out of the car with schools biggest man whore. We walked hand and hand and it.made her relax some. We got inside.and walked to her locker where Lexie and Jason were sucking faces. I heard a familiar voice I hated my ex Christie, who I dated for 2 days just to get in her pants.

"I see you found a charity case Justin" she said looking at Jessica.

"What do you want Chrisite" I said annoyed.

She walked up to Jessics anf got in her face.

"Well look at you, pretty.... easy whore. You may think Justin wants to be with you but give it a day by tomorrow he will be fucking some new girl, take it from my experience. But just remember this, you ain't shit compared to me but yet a charity case, Justin has always wanted me and always will, your just another one night stand." She smiled and walked off.

Jessica's point of view:
   I clenched my fist and I think Lexie seen because she tried to my arm but I walked forward toward Christie I sung her around by her arm and let her stare at me for a second with that stupid smerk on her face. I swung my fist full blown into her face and she fell to the ground holding it,

I bet down to look at her.

"Don't ever call me a hoe, I am a virgin so if I was a hoe I wonder what that would make you, and om not a charity case your just mad because I have been here for 2 days and caught the hottest guy in schools attention, I turned around to see Justin smiling and turned back to her, your just mad because you can't even get noticed by a dumbster and if you do its because your an easy piece of trash on the side of the street willing to ipen your legs for anything and anyone, so dont fuck with me you are a disgrace of a women", I stood up and spit on her and walked away. I wrapped my arms around Justin's neck snd he must have been on the same psge as me because he planted a sweet, passionate sexy kiss on my lips.

"You just made the biggest mistake" Christie said walked away with her minions. Everyone high fived me and laugjed saying nobody amhas ever stuck up to her like that.

So what do you guys think of this chapter??

Do you think next chapter Jessica and Justin will be official?

And dayummm, Jessica treated Christie's life xD I think that was mt favorite part, I jnow it isn't the best chapter but I had to be quick.

Please let me know if I should go ob with this book??
Im getting a few views, but no likes or comments so i'm stuck??

Let me know guys❤

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