Oh My...

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As I walked outside and looked in the driveway there was a new black car with a ribbon on it.

"Is that mine?" I asked with a huge smile on my face.

"It is. It is your new CLA250 Mercedes-Benz." my mom said handing me the keys.

"Under one condition" my dad said.

"Anything" I replied.

"No drinking and driving, no texting and driving." He said in a serious tone.

i just nodded and said of course. They told me to go to school and have a good day. As I sat in my new car and it's leather seat and a new car smell, I knew today was gonna be great.. At least I hoped. As I parked my car in the school parking lot, I turned it off and took a deep breathe. I grabbed my bag and got out, and locked my car up.

As I walked into school, everyone was looking at me, and some guys whistled. I ignored them and found my way to my locker. As I tried to open it up, with no luck I was getting angry at but then a tiny little girl walked up with black hair long hair, gorgeous brown eyes, a pair of sweatpants and a white T-shirt with a skull on it, she was really pretty.

"Here let me help you with that" She said with a smile.

"Thank You, I don't think it likes me" I said and giggled.

She giggled, "It didn't like me either my first day, but I just came to find out its tricky" she smiled

"Well isn't this a great start of my new day" I sighed.

"It gets better, Im Alexis, but you can call Lexie." She said with a smile.

"Im Jessica" I said with a smile back.

"Welcome to Harris High, I can tell we are going to be best friends" she said with a smile.

"Care to show me where my first room is?" I asked looking at my schedule.

She took my schedule and smiled and junped up and down.

"Why are youa acting crazy?" I asked while laughing at her.

"Becaauussee we have 5 classes together, 1st, 2nd, 4th, lunch which all seniors have together, then 6th and 7th" She smiled.

Then she dragged me into our first hour, I was happy I made a friend already, I.could see her being my best friend already, we are so much alike. As we walked into the room, I seen everyone staring at us, but only this one guy caught my eye, he had brown hair, gorgeous brown eyes, and was really fucking cute, hot, everything I could think of. When he seen me he sat up in his chair and was staring at me, I must have been staring to because Lexie talked to me.

"His name is Justin" She said with a smile and snapped me out of my gaze.

"W-what?" I said looking at her.

    She dragged me to our seats, she sat right next to me.

"The guy that you were practically drewling overn that's Justin, be is the bad boy of the school that every girl wants." She said.

"Oh then I definitely don't have a chance." I said with a laugh.

The next few hours went by fast, Lexie and I sat by each other in every class, and I had just as many hours with Justin as I did with Lexie. Except I had 3rd hour with him, and not Lexie, he managed to sit by me out of all the seats. I kept feeling him stare at him, which I didn't mind but felt a little akward. It was the end of the day, school was finally over and I was putting my stuff away ready to go here the news about whether I'm gonna get a brother or a sister. Lexie walked up to my locker hugging me with all her might.

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