The Eviction

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A Few Hours Later

I finally figured it out, I didn't really have feelings for Nash. It was just because he saved me from Matt. If I brush off the entire situation, I'll think he's a total dork in no time.

I called Cameron just to ask when he'd be back to the house. I don't want to be there unless he is. He said that he'd be back in a few days, so it's not too bad. I left the house, and went back to the apartment. Before I unlocked it, I noticed a flyer taped on to the door. 'Eviction Notice' was written in big bold red letters. I read the flyer over and it said we had to be out by tomorrow.

I had a feeling that the bills were going to be hard to pay, the place is stunning, and we have awful jobs.

"Shit I have no where to go" I couldn't afford the trip all the way back to home because I spent all the money I earned on either clothes or trying to pay the bills. I opened the door and Courtney and Sara were sitting down just watching tv.

"What happened to Nevaeh and Brittney?" I asked.

"Brittney wasn't feeling to well so they said they'll come next week," Sara answered easily.

"I don't think that's going to work. There was an eviction notice on our door. We have to be out by tomorrow," I read the flyer to them. I knew this was too good to be true.

We sat there for about five minutes just being upset, because it was like we came all this way for no reason. Then we started packing up everything we own. Only leaving trash behind. We figured we might as well leave something behind.

The Next Day
"Are you sure you don't want to come back? You can sleep on my couch until you figure out your next move," Sara asked.

"No it's fine, I'll figure something out," I answered back. They both left, bringing everything they owned with them. My last resort was to go back to that house I hated.

I grabbed my suitcase and the rest of my belongings, got into my car and drove there. I walked to the front door and knocked impatiently.

"Hey what's up?" asked Shawn.

"We were evicted from our apartment and I was the only one who had no where to go. I couldn't afford the ticket back home, and I have no where else to go," I admitted. I could feel the tears rolling down my tired face. I couldn't hold them back anymore.

"It's okay, come in, you can stay here as long as you need to," he answered as he went out to my car to help get my things. I smiled, and walked into the house. I just didn't think I'd be back here, especially before Cameron.

The entire time I've been to LA it's been a disaster. I need to bounce back on my feet somehow. I just kept thinking, what else can I possibly do? I have no money, and a job that barely pays. I need to do something.

I have no money to apply for college, no job, no apartment, and now no friends. I have no idea when Cameron will be here next. I walked into Nash and Cameron's room and threw my stuff on the floor.

"What's going on?" I heard Nash's voice as his gaze changed from his computer to the pile of suitcases on the floor.

"Well, we couldn't afford the apartment and I gave the girls the money to be able to go home. I have no where else to go," I told him as a tear fell from my right eye. I quickly wiped it away, I don't like showing anyone my weak points.

"I'm so sorry, at least you have us," he finally turned to look over at me.

"Yeah, but what am I supposed to do now? I have no money, no job, and I can't afford to apply to a college like I wanted to in the first place," I answered back, my voice got quieter as I continued to speak to him.

"I'm sure you can find something, just stay here until you can get back on your feet," he reassured me, but we both knew there was one problem. Matt.

"I don't feel safe here, I can't stay here without Cameron," I whispered to myself. Then I realized my sister lives almost ten minutes away from here. I picked up my stuff without saying anything and just left. I can't stay here without Cameron, and I have no idea when he'll be coming back.

I arrived at my sisters apartment, I didn't realize how close she lived to our old one. Luckily she had an extra room in it, so she let me stay until I can get settled and earn enough money. I just can't stop thinking about Cameron, I miss him.

Cameron's POV


I arrived back at the house, I tried calling and texting her but she didn't answer. I tried calling her one last time, and I heart a man speaking saying that the number was no longer in service. Maybe the guys will know what's going on?

"Hey, do you know what happened to Danielle?" I asked Nash, he was the first one I saw.

"She was here a few days ago, while you were away. She had her bags with her looking like she was ready to move somewhere else. She told me that the girls got evicted and Courtney and Sara moved back home," he told the story that I didn't want to believe.

"Where is she?" I asked, he only talked about where Courtney and Sara were.

"I-I don't know," his voice was low.

"What do you mean you don't know? Are you just not telling me? You're just jealous that she wants to be with me, aren't you?" anger was taking over me.

"No, I offered her to stay here, but she just left," he answered back at me. I know he knows where she is, he just won't tell me. He just wants her all to himself. I just walked away. There's no way she would've left without saying goodbye to me. So, I drove to her apartment. I knocked on the door hard, my knuckles smacking on to the cheap wood. After several minutes of waiting behind the cheap door I noticed the sign next to it. Saying 'Eviction Notice' in red.

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