The Epilogue !!!!

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A/N : Hey initiates !!! Here is THE EPILOGUE !! I can't believe this is my last update !! I really hope you guys Enjoy the Epilogue !! Make sure to check out the Media section of this Chapter !! So Sit back,Relax and Enjoy the Epilogue :)

-----3 years later------

Tris's POV

Its been 3 years since I held my little bundle of joy in my hands for the first time !! I love her so much !! Brienna is 3 years old now and currently sleeping !!

Tobias loves Brienna a lot.Brienna also loves Tobias.Her first words were "DADA !!" and not "MAMA" which proves how much affection Brienna has for Tobias !!

The Gang is Amazing and Awesome as always !! Christina had twins.A girl and a boy.Christina and Will named them Brandon and Emily.They are 10 months younger than Bri.Emily and Brandon are really cute.Bri and Em share a special bond.Similar to that which me and Christina share.

Shauna and Zeke had a boy.They named him Austin.He's year younger than Bri.He is very Handsome for a 2 year old.He is extremely cute and chubby.

Marlene and Uriah had a girl.They named her Mariah.A ship of their names !! She is also a year younger than Bri.She is extremely gorgeous and graceful.

Des and Ethan had a girl.They named her Sofia.Bri is very close to Sofia as well.Sofia is very cute.When Des announced that she was pregnant.....Tobias couldn't believe it.He couldn't believe that his baby sis had grown up so soon.Tobias loves a Sofia lot and she loves him as well.Sofia is fond of me as well.Whenever she comes home she keeps following me and Tobias and that's so adorable !!

I wish me and Caleb also had the kind of relation Destiny and Tobias have.They love each other so much.Ughh Tris !! Stop thinking about the things that you can never have.

Currently I'm making Pancakes since.....that's what Tobias and Bri love !!

Brienna is so much like Tobias.My blonde hair and my nose are like the only things she's got from me.She has got Tobias's eyes,favourites and so much more !!

They are like exact copies of each other !!

Just thoughts are interrupted by a tug on my leg from the back.I turn back to look at my little princess.

"Mommy.I'm hungry",Bri says.

"Oh !! I'm afraid I've not made anything",I joke.

"Mommy I know you make Pancaky now.I saw you make Pancaky",Bri says in her cute baby voice.

"Okay Okay !! I was just joking.I'll put your Pancaky on the plate.Where's Daddy ??",I say and then ask her.

"Daddy Sleeping",Bri says.

"Okay.Bri you go and wake up Daddy and I'll make your Pancaky ready.Okay ??",I say and then ask her.

"Yay !! Okay Mommy.I love you.I love you too Brian",Bri says kissing my tummy.I smile at her.As I kneel down to kiss her forehead.....She stops me.

"Wait Mommy",Bri says.

"Huh ?? Okay",I say.

Bri goes into the room and drags her Pink Mini Chair all the way up to the Kitchen.She stops dragging the chair a few steps ahead of me and then she stands on the Chair.

"Now you Kissy me Mommy",Bri says.

I go forward and kiss her forehead.

"Bri !! Why did you stop me earlier ??",I ask.

"Daddy said that Mommy no bending down because Brian in Mommy's tummy.So Little princess bring chair and stand so Mommy no bending down",Bri says smiling.

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