Chapter 25 : The Party Part 1 !!!!

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A/N : Hey Initiates !! Here is Chapter 25 !!! I hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Check out the Media Section !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :) 

 Tris's POV

Uriah goes and opens the door while the rest of us continue sitting on the carpet.

"Hey Uriah",A voice says.My new friend.Four.

Oh !! So the 'He' is Four !!!!

"Hey Four.Come in.All of us were waiting for you",Uri says.

Four comes inside.He then looks at all of us who are sitting on the carpet.His gaze meets mine.I wave over to him and he waves back.

"Hey Four",The Gang greets him.

"Hey guys",Four greets back.

"Four !! Sit with me",Zeke says pointing to the space next to him.Which also happens to be the spot next to me since,I was previously sitting with Zeke.

Four comes and sits next to Zeke....and me.

"Hey",I greet him.

"Hey.Didn't know you were coming",Four says.

"I didn't know about you coming either",I say.

Zeke's POV

I call Four to sit next to me.Four comes and sits next to me.Since I was previously sitting with Tris and he came and sat next to me....He is sitting with Tris as well now !!

That was precisely my plan !! ;)

Tris and Four start talking.Seeing them together gives me a very nostalgic feeling.I wish that accident didn't happen.Then Tris and Four would probably be kissing each other now.

Tobias's POV

"I didn't know about you coming either",Tris says.

"Guess it was a surprise for us",I say smiling.

"Maybe",Tris says smiling back.

"Guys lets play something !!!",Ethan screams.

"What should we play ??",Me and Tris ask in unison and then high five each other.

Marlene's POV

"What should we play ??",Tris and Four ask in unison and then high five each other.

Even though they lost their memory.....Their Unisonness (A/N : I know this is not a word.But I decided to make it up :)) is still the same.I wish that accident never happened.It breaks my heart to see Tris and Four like this.Unaware of their past.

Tris's POV

"Let's play Candor or Dauntless",Uri suggests.

"Okay",Everyone says.

"But let's play it differently this time",Shauna says.

"Differently ??",Me and Four question in unison again and then smile at each other.

"Let's play it in pairs",Shauna says.

"How do we play it like that ??",Marlene asks.

"We will make pairs and then one pair will truth or dare the other.Either one person from the pair or both will have to do the Truth or Dare depending on the asker's wish",Shauna explains.

"Okay but who are the pairs ??",Des asks.

"Umm.....Chris and Will,Me and Shauna,Uriah and Marlene,Destiny and Ethan,Tris and Four",Zeke says.

"Got a problem with being my pair ??",Four asks.

"Absolutely not.You ??",I say+ask.

"The answers same as yours",Four says smirking.

"Good to know",I say smiling.He nods.

"Let's begin.Tris and Four can ask first",Will says.

"Okay",I say.

"Who should we ask ??",I whisper in Four's ear.

"Mariah",Four says.

"Okay",I say.

"Marlene and Uriah.Candor or Dauntless ??",Four asks.

"Dauntless",They say in unison.

"What should we ask them ??",I ask whispering into Four's ear.

Then Four whispers the dare in my ear.I can't help but burst out laughing.Everyone looks at me as though I'm a lunatic or something.Four also joins in,laughing with me.

I tell Mariah the dare cracking up,"

A/N : That was the end of the Twenty Fifth chapter.How was the chapter ?? What do you think will happen next ?? What do you want Fourtris to dare Mariah ?? Don't forget to leave you comments for me :) 





 And remember 

 <4 ❤️❤️❤️    

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