Chapter 57 : A Perfect Family !!!!

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A/N : Hey Initiates !! Here is Chapter 57 !!! I hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Also...Check out the Media Section !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tris's POV

We then break the kiss a little later and the man comes again with our Dauntless cakes.

Oh my god !! They're extremely huge !!

The man leaves the cakes on the table and then leaves.

"Tobias....I think we should've ordered only one cake.This is huge !!",I say.

"No problem.Eat as much as you can and we'll ask him to pack the rest.We'll eat it at home",Tobias says and I laugh.

"What's so funny ??",He asks confused and curious.

"You're always ever so ready to eat cake.Aren't you ??",I ask smiling.

" and Cake have an old bond",He says.

"Aww Man",I say.

"What ??",He asks.

"New competition",I say making him smirk.

"No one can and will ever take your place Tris.You are my only one true soulmate and no one can replace that.....",He says and then pauses.

".....not even cake",He finishes whispering the last part.

"Aww....That's so cute !! I love you",I say.

"I love you too.But now....let's just eat cake",Tobias says making me smile.

I love him so much !!

We begin eating the cake.At the end I leave half and Tobias....Well he finishes the whole cake !!

"Wanna finish mine as well ??",I joke.

"No....I'm full",He says.

"Of course you will be Tobias !! whole...cake",I say cracking up in the middle.

"Uhh.....Well I've got a huge appetite...when it comes to Dauntless cake",He says and then both of us laugh.

Tobias calls the man again and asks him to pack the cake.He does so.

"You know....I sometimes think what would've happened if we didn't get our memories back",Tobias says.

"Yeah me too.But you wouldn't make much difference",I say.

"Huh ?? What do you mean ??",Tobias asks.

" see...we fell in love the second time as well....even after losing our memories.So..... probably we would've now",I say.And he nods.

"I love you Tris.I love you too Baby",Tobias says placing his hand on my tummy from under the table since we are sitting opposite to each other.I place my hand over his.

"We love you too.....Tobias",I say yawning.

"Tired ??",Tobias asks.

"Yeah",I say.

"Let's go home then",He says and I nods.

We then begin walking towards the car.Tobias lifts me.

"Tobias....what are you....doing ??",I ask laughing.

"You are tired right ??",He asks.

"Yeah....but I can walk",I say.

"That's good for you",Tobias says but doesn't put me down.

"Tobias put me down",I say.

"Okay",He says but still doesn't put me down.

"Tobias ??",I ask.

"I'll put you down when we reach the car",Tobias says and I sigh and finally agree.

Finally we reach the car and Tobias puts me down.We get into the car and head straight towards home.

///////::::::-----TIME SKIP (Bed time)-------::::::\\\\\\\\

Currently me and Tobias are on the bed hugging each other close.We changed our Date clothes into something more comfy.

"I love you Tris",Tobias says.

"I love you too Tobias",I say and we kiss.

Tobias places his hand on my tummy and says :-

"I love you Baby".

I smile.They are going to have a very cute Father-Baby relationship.I can foresee that right now !!

I love my life !! I have Tobias.A Baby on the way.A perfect life.What more could I possibly ask for ?? I'm so lucky !!

I've got a Perfect Family !! 

"You're the best thing that ever happened to me Tris",Tobias says.

And that's the last thing I hear before I fall asleep.Wrapped in Tobias's Comfortable and Soothing arms.

A/N : That was the end of the Fifty Seventh chapter.How was the chapter ?? Don't forget to leave your comments for me :)





And remember

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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