Chapter 28 : The Ferris Wheel....

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A/N : Hey Initiates !! Here is Chapter 28 !!! I hope you guys Enjoy this chapter !!! Also Check out the Media Section !! Sit back,Relax and Enjoy this chapter :)

Tris's POV

I keep climbing higher and higher when I hear a sound behind me.The sound of someone's leg hitting the metal rung of the Wheel.I turn behind to look at the 'someone'.

"Four",I say immediately as soon as I see him.

"Hi",He says.

"Hi.What are you doing here ??",I ask.

"Coming with you",He says.

"You don't have to come with me",I say.

"Your right.I don't have to come with you but I want to come with you",He says.That's so Sweet !!

"Okay fine",I say and climb higher.

I keep climbing but unfortunately I lose my footing on a rung and fall down.Let me rephrase that.Almost  fall down.

Since Four catches me and obstructs me from falling any further.

"Careful Tris",He says.

"Thank you for saving my life",I say still terrified by the fact that I would've died if Four wouldn't have saved me.

"No problem.You saved mine yesterday",He says.

"What ?? When ??",I ask.

"Uhh...We need to keep climbing",He says changing the topic.I decide not to press further but...What did he mean when he said that I had saved his life yesterday ??

Tobias's POV

"Thank you for saving my life",Tris says still terrified

"No problem.You saved mine yesterday",I say.And immediately regret saying that.

"What ?? When ??",Tris asks.

"Uhh...We need to keep climbing",I say changing the topic.

Tris doesn't press further for which I'm grateful.

What I actually meant by saying that Tris saved my life was that she took that Question for me.That Question whose answer was your Worst fear.If Tris wouldn't have answered that question then I would have had to do it.But sensing my discomfort she answered the question for me.For us.

"Let's continue climbing then",Tris says waking me up from my thoughts.

Tris's POV

We resume climbing.

"This is high enough",Four says but there's still about a little less than half of the ladder left to climb.

"No we need to go higher",I say climbing further but when I don't hear footsteps following me I stop and look behind.

Four is just standing where he stood earlier.He is sweating and looking around frantically.Our eyes meet.

"Your afraid of heights",I declare.

"Yeah.That's one of my Four fears",He says.

"Wait !!! You have only Four fears ??",I ask shocked.

"Yeah.That's why my nickname is Four",He says.

"What's your real name then ??",I ask and see him cringe.I then mentally scold myself.What is wrong with you Tris ?? Not even Zeke knows his real name.Why would he tell you ??


"Quick to the top",Four screams.

And we climb higher and higher.Four struggles to breathe as we go higher and higher and I start to feel worried for him.

"Four.Are you okay ??",I ask him.

"Do I look okay to you ?",He snaps.

"",I say disappointed and a little hurt.

"I'm sorry Tris.I didn't mean to snap at you.Its just that....I've never been so high before.....I think",Four says.

"You think ??",I question.

"I think I've done this before but...I don't know",Four says and I understand him.Even I have that kind of confusion sometimes.I feel like I've done something before but...I can't remember doing it.

"It's okay Four",I say replying to his apology now.He smiles at me and I smile back.

"Let's climb further then",He says confidently.

"Okay",I say smiling.I really adore this quality of him.The "Facing you Fears" quality of him.

We finally reach the top and put the flag there.

"How.....come.....being....this....high...not...scare ??",Four asks panting.

"Our fears are not the same",I remind him.He nods.

"Thank you for making me feel better",He says.

"No problem.This is what friends do right ??",I say and he smiles.

We look down.The Paintball fight has already started.

"Guess we should go down now",Four says looking down.He is trying to act brave but I know being this high up is scaring him.

"Yeah we should",I say.

Then we begin on our way down this time Four leading the way.He is much quicker in getting down than climbing up.

We finally reach the ground.

"GET READY TRIS AND FOUR FOR THIS !!!!!",Uriah says screaming pointing his Paintball gun towards us.

Me and Four look at each other.He smiles mischievously and I instantly know what he's going to do.

"Duck Tris !!",Four screams.

We both Duck and the Paintball hits who ?? Marlene !!! Uriah's wife and team member.

"Crap !!",Uriah says and me and Four high five each other.

"Their flags on the Ferris Wheel",Chris says.

Oops !! They figured out our hiding spot.

Uriah's team begin climbing the Ferris Wheel.

Shit !! If Des and Ethan don't get Uriah's teams flag before Uriah's team gets our flag then we will lose this game !!

A/N : That was the end of the Twenty Eighth chapter.How was the chapter ?? What do you think will happen next ?? Which team do you think will win ?? Don't forget to leave you comments for me :) 





 And remember 

 <4 ❤️❤️❤️

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