Chapter 6

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You are never coming home, never coming home

"Do you know these two girls?" The officer on the right, placed two photographs on the coffee table. The other one held a note pad and a pen.

Luke shook his head and taps his fingers on his knee. He saw the officer write a few words.

"What happened at the party, Mr. Hemmings, when you arrived." Both police men watched Luke expectantly.

"I was already there. I helped put the party together. I left before eleven." He responded with short answers, but he never looked at them in the eye. Police say they help but in reality, they just waste everyone's time. Luke's time.

The one with the notepad sighs and takes his hat off. He has a mess of brown locks swept in one side. Luke almost asks if they are allowed to have a hairstyle. Just to annoy them so they could leave.

"Where did you go when you left the party?" He asks.

"I stayed at home."

"Did you notice something strange or something that made you uncomfortable?"

The red head punk is the immediate response but Luke just shakes his head.

The notepad guy hums suspiciously. Luke wanted to scoff. He doesn't need to know about the red hair punk. Or the alcohol, the noise, the crowd. Basically everything made him uncomfortable.

"Alex, he isn't lying." The other guy says. Luke scrunches his eyebrows. How can he know if Luke's lying or not. For all they knew, he could be a serial killer.

"Really?" The notepad guy known as Alex, squints his eyes at Luke. Luke leans away. Maybe this guy knows what he's thinking.

"C'mon, we need to interview the last two." Alex nods and breaks the intimidating stare he had on Luke.

"I know. Thank you for your time, Luke Hemmings." The two police officers stand up and smile. Luke nods and stands up as well. He doesn't accept their hands, but does walk them to the door. He kept eyeing Alex guy. He seemed familiar. Maybe it was the hair.

After saying goodbye, Calum comes out of the guest bedroom.

"I'm so sorry, Luke. Please forgive me. We're all different when we're drunk." He comes forward, but Luke steps back and Calum gets the message.

"Why did you come?" Calum widens his eyes at the blonde boy.

"What the hell do you think I'm here? To apologize! I knew you have, like, a problem with people but I didn't know it was this serious."

Luke bit his lip and nods.

"That's it?" Calum asks, "A nod of approval or a nod of get-the-fuck-out."

Luke smiles and just nods again. Calum grins and resists the urge to bear hug the guy.


"Jerry, I don't like it when you lie."

"B-but-t I-I'm n-not!"

Michael is sitting comfortably on a chair. An old, fat guy is pinned against a wall by an invisible force. He's beaten and bleeding because Michael wanted to have fun.

"Oh, look! Isn't she your niece?" He exclaims with eyes full of fake surprise. A girl with chestnut hair appears to fall from the ceiling with chains on her ankles and wrists. Her face is full of dirt and the scrapes on her body are turning into hues of purple.

"Uncle Jer?" She murmurs. Jerry starts to shake as he starts wriggling under Michael's will.

"I wouldn't try it if I were you." Michael muses. Jerry doesn't listen and keeps moving against the powerful wall. Michael sighs in boredom and raises his hand. He made into a fist and Jerry screams. The force felt like a ton of pounds is pushing him flat.

"Now, before I kill her," Michael jerks his head to the weak girl laying on the ground, "I need to know the kid's name. You know, that blondie who you sold a house to. Has blue eyes, incredible lips."

Jerry grunts and struggles to answer but he manages to say, "L-luke."

Michael hums at the name. Luke. It suits him.

"And what else do you know about him." He asks.

"G-go to hell." Jerry spits. Michael clicks his tongue and lets his fist drop. Jerry falls into the ground, coughing, and tries to reach his niece. Suddenly, he is picked up from the ground by Michael's hand on his neck.

"Listen, here, you shit. You're going to tell me his full name or your niece receives the same death sentence her friend got." He says with venom laced in his voice. His eyes are wide and black that it makes Jerry blink in fear and reality.

"Luke H-hemmings. I don't know where he came from. His records are sealed by a jud-judge and please d-don't kill my niece. S-she's all I got. Please." Jerry whispers the last word. Michael smirks and let's him fall again. He strolls past the girl and then spins around to face both of his victims.

"Nice chat. I'll see you in hell, Jerry." Michael's smirk only grows when Jerry starts to sob.

His pale hand raises into the air and he snaps both of their necks. He then flicks his wrist and the room that was bloody and dirty is swept clean. No seen evidence that two missing people were tortured and murdered. Michael smiles and made his way out of the building like he just attended an appointment.



After this chapter, slow updates are starting. Sorry guys :c






No GIF ;( sorry >.<

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