Chapter 10

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Ever.. Get the feeling that you're never

"You need fresh air."

"I have air conditioning."

"You need to be active."

"I have FIFA."

"You need the sun."

"I have a lot of lights."

"Vitamin fucking D from the sun only! C'mon, I'm not taking no as an answer." Calum says and crosses his arms. Luke is sprawled on the couch with no intention to move. Much less get up and go outside.

"No." His answer is childish and muffled by the pillow on his face.

"That's it." Calum murmurs fiercely.

"What?--hey! Put me down!" Luke yells when Calum picks him up and throws him over his shoulder.

"You're moping and you don't weight much. We're going outside and that's that." Calum says with the final word. Luke wriggles and lazily punches Calum's back.

"Why?" He whines. Calum huffs and opens the front door.

"Because the week you just took is enough. Being locked inside, avoiding human existence, isn't gonna make you feel better. We're going to Walmart. Then get some pizza." Calum proceeds to head out and Luke groans defeated-ly.

"Wait," Luke warns and Calum stops, "let me get changed or at least put some shoes on." Calum contemplates and then puts the blonde mess down. Luke sluggishly walks to his room and disappears into his closet. Calum taps his foot against the floor and after ten minutes, he barges in.

Luke is all dressed in black and his quiff already fixed. His lip ring is in but the picture in front of him makes Calum glare at him. He was comfortably laying on his bed with his eyes closed, ready to take another nap.

"Lucas!" Calum yells and Luke jumps up with wide eyes, "Get the fuck up. Let's go." After getting Calum's coat, they're now outside, walking towards Walmart.

"Why do we always go to Walmart? There's like a lot more stores than Walmart. Walmart, Walmart, Walmart. There's a Target next to it. Target is better. Let's go to Target." Luke grumbles from behind. Calum ignores him and enters his favorite store.

"Welcome to Walmart." A guy greets immediately. Luke glances and then keeps his eyes on the floor. It's Zack.

"Hello, sexy." He says and Calum widen his eyes at the guy.

"Fuck off, melon head. He's not interested." He answers for Luke. Luke snorts and quickly follows Calum, away from Zack.

"You okay, Luke?"

Luke nods with a small smile and holds out his hand. Calum grins and grips the shaking hand.


"He's in Walmart." Alex tells Michael. They were inside a warehouse where Michael is working on some papers.

"Thanks," He replies. He signs the final signature and gives it to Alex, "Take it to the FBI. Be discreet." He nods and Michael disappears.


"Books are my life. You can learn anything from them." Calum excitedly picks up a book with a magnifying glass as a cover. Something about How To Look For Clues.

"Is that how you learned how to pick a lock? Build stuff, and the hacker thing?" Luke asks. Calum nods.

"Nerd," Luke mumbles and gets a slap upside the head. A few minutes later, Luke is already at the other side of the store, checking out some office stuff. He picks up a sketch book when a voice makes him loose his grip.

"Fancy seeing you here, sexy." Zack grins. Luke could feel his breath behind him. Why do the worst things happen to me? Luke keeps his mouth shut and tries to move away.

"Not so fast, Luke." Zack says and grips his hips. Luke whimpers from the feeling of hands on him. It's contact and it makes him feel panic.

"S-stop." He shakily breathes out. Zack's grin turn into a smirk.

Michael arrives at Walmart and makes his way through the aisles to find his blond beauty.

"I've been watching you for weeks." He whispers into Luke's ear. Chills run through his spine and a set of nerves settle on his stomach. I've been watching you for weeks.

"How hard is it to find a tall, beautiful guy with blue eyes?" Michael mumbles. He turns a corner to see the Calum guy. Isn't he Luke's friend? Then Luke shouldn't be too far away, he thinks.

"I know you. You moved here because something happened at your old town, right?"

If Luke wasn't panicking when hands were on him, he definitely is panicking now. He starts to shake and weakly tries to rid of the tight grip Zack had on his hips.His breathing quickens and he now feels scared.

"Did your mommy and daddy die?" Zack talks in a kid's voice and Luke whimpers again. Please let this be over, he prays to whoever is listening.

Michael sighs and heads to the other side of the store.

Zack chuckles and lets his hands wonder up Luke's torso. He let his fingertips scratch the skin and Luke feels dirty. He feels disgust that someone who is horribly attractive is touching his nasty skin.

Michael walks in another aisle and expects it to be empty. He looks up to find his beautiful blonde crying at the hands of a guy.

Luke let's his tears run free when Zack reached his scars on his back. He traces them and smiles happily. Before he could speak, Luke feels the hands rip away from his skin. He turns around quickly and a red haired guy is punching the living daylights out of Zack. Michael stops his fists when he sees the shithead, who touched Luke, not move at all. He wipes his mouth from the busted lip the guy managed to inflict on Michael. He faces Luke and unaware-ly, his face softens at the sight of such a beautiful human being.

He comes forward and Luke, paralyzed in fear from Zack, doesn't move. Michael's bloody knuckles touches Luke's cheek softly. And just as Luke leans on the touch, Calum rounds the corner, and the red-haired punk isn't there anymore. He just, disappeared.

"Luke!" His friend screams, and drops whatever he had on his arms. Calum checks for any broken bones or scrapes, "what happened? Are you okay? Is that blood on your face? Oh my god, did Zack did this to you? That motherfuck--did you knock him out? Did you do this? Luke? Luke!"

His hearing fades and his sight blurs. Luke feels shock run through him and soon, he's feeling his body fall. Everything turned into shadows and they formed into black unconsciousness.





QOTD: fav book?

A: I'm banned from Walmart (the store didn't ban me, my mother did) bc I read too much so I don't have much buT I like The Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan :D




I'm starting school tomorrow and honestly I'm fucking terrified xc anD WORK, HOMEWORK, ALOT MORE WORK

Wish me luck bc I'll probably die when I go through the gates of hell.

have an awesome day and enjoy the GIF 💝

- kitten

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