Chapter 16

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Could I? Should I?

You know that moment where reality slaps you on the face really hard that it leaves you with your mouth open in shock?

That's exactly how Michael feels.

He's sitting in his empty warehouse. From the outside, it looked like an abandoned building, but in the inside, he had a single working desk in the middle of the whole room. Stacks of signed papers were on one side and folders on the other. In front of the desk was a chair.

He usually does all the business in there, but today seemed like a free day.

And Michael hates free days.

The main reason is because he gets bored, and the second is because he starts thinking of random shit.

Michael started with the thought of Luke. Last night was their date, and he couldn't believe it went fine. Everything was perfect. Michael took him to a spot high enough to see the town, and the night sky was shinning with bright stars. Luke's blue eyes twinkled everytime Michael pointed out small, stupid things that made him laugh loudly. They sat down on a blanket, and enjoyed each other's presence. They avoided touching because they did not want to get horny on a sweet date.

In the end, they ended up cuddling while Michael willed the power of sex to calm down.

After a food fight and a lot of kisses, Michael took Luke home. He did the whole walk-you-to-the-door-and-give-you-one-last-kiss thing where he knew it left Luke dumbfounded.

"That was a great first date, right?" Michael hopefully asks.

Luke smiles genuinely and Michael swears that's the first time seeing him smile. He looks beautiful.

"Thank you." Luke mumbles, and Michael's chest warms. It felt so weird to feel like that, and he felt the urge to hold him.

Why was he feeling like this? The stomach knots and the heart wrenching moments of having Luke so close to him. It's so strong that it leaves Michael wanting more.

Sitting there, on his black chair, facing the stacks of signed papers, made him see.

He's whipped.

He fell for a blond beauty, and he cannot believe it had to be Luke.

Michael frustratedly rubs his face. Why is he stressing about this?

Maybe because he isn't allowed to.

When he became second in command for Lucifer, he was briefed about rules.

Demons are not allowed to show themselves to the humans.

Demons are not allowed to leave any witnesses alive.

Demons are not allowed to keep someone alive for their own pleasure.

Michael broke all of them, and those were the main rules that shouldn't be ignored. Lucifer had warned him that he had to be an example.

And Michael is so fucked because he didn't stand up to the rules. He disobeyed, and there's no one to predict if things are going to be from bad to worse.

He realized how deep in shit his life is. Once Lucifer finds out, there's nothing stopping him from hunting down Michael.

So Michael sat there, with his mouth open in shock at the mistakes he committed.


Luke is sitting on his couch when a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

He contemplated if he should answer it or not. He stared at the door and decided to ignore it. There were more important things to think about.

Like how the date went last night. Luke's face broke into a huge smile, and he couldn't help but keep smiling for it proudly.

It was amazing. Michael took him to a hill, at the edge of the neighborhood where the plain view of the town was visible. The night made Luke feel alive. The stars twinkled in the sky and Michael kept him entertained with puns and silly things.

It was the best moment of his life.

Suddenly, his front door flew open and broke in half. Standing on the entrance is a person that made Luke throw up.

Luke stood up quickly and yells, "What did you just do?!"

His door lays on the floor in pieces. The hinges hanging on the door frame, and Zack stepping in with a sinister grin.

"Do? I came to visit you! Can't a friend come over to see how are you?"

Luke's heartbeat started to speed up as Zack took small steps forward.

"I mean, c'mon." Zack spread his arms and shrugs, "Who wouldn't come over to visit a good fuck?"

Luke winces at his words. He presses himself against the wall, far away from him.

"Get away from me." He whimpers. Zack groans

"You sound so pleasing." He says, "I want you to beg me, scream my name."

Luke shakes his head in disgust. Zack smirks and keeps walking towards him.

"You know, you were supposed to die back in your town." He carelessly comments.

Luke freezes.

"You were supposed to bleed to death, but you survived for some reason."

"How do you know about that?" Luke asks quietly.

"Hm," Zack pretends to think about it, "didn't Michael tell you?" He asks innocently.

Luke's heart sinks. Michael? Did he--

"Oh, relax, he had nothing to do with it, but he knows many things about you." Zack is now directly in front of him. Luke swallows thickly and tries to escape. Zack slams both of his hands on either side of Luke, trapping him.

Luke remembers the mark, "You can't touch me." He bravely spits.

Zack starts to laugh. Luke's momentary bravery fades away quickly.

"I know, thank God I'm not the only one working against Michael."

Luke's skin crawls at the proximity of Zack's face. He moves his lips to Luke's ear, and he whispers with an inhumanly deep voice Luke wishes he never recognized.

"Right, Lukey?"





maybe you did but let's pretend you didn't lol

How are you guys?

I'm okay.

Anyways, this was a shitty chapter but I wanted to give you guys something after my 1-month absence.

Have an awesome and enjoy that muke pic c;

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