Chapter 1

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I never said I'd lied and wait forever

Luke stood at the front step of his new home. It was painted white and was a one story house.

He hadn't planned this. He hadn't planned to spend a month working two jobs to save enough money to move from his old town to a new one. He hadn't planned to move away from Sydney. He definitely hadn't planned to say goodbye to his two older brothers and settle down alone; away from them.

He has had a rough two months after the incident. Luke, at the time, didn't know what was happening but when it came, he was traumatized. Nights spent with him waking up screaming and either Jack or Ben barging in his old room room to comfort him back to sleep.

Now he has neither of them with him.

He sighed and pushed the past away from his head. He gazed at his new small house. It was small. Two bedrooms and a bathroom from what the landlord, Jerry, said. Jerry was a fat and old guy who claimed he was famous for selling houses. Luke didn't believe him but when he saw the house, he agreed to buy it.

Since it had two bedrooms, Jerry had advise to find a roommate to help pay the bills. Luke is still thinking about it.

He sighed and picked up his suitcase.

Only one suitcase to bring his stuff. He didn't want anything to resemble his old home. No, he wanted to forget everything and continue his miserable life.

He entered and silently scanned the house. Nothing special. The furniture was already here and the room he was going to claim was sky blue with a naked bed.

He dropped the suitcase on the floor and threw himself on his bed. He groaned. He was tired. Jetlag was already affecting him and all he wanted right now was sleep. He took off his shoes and jacket, and got comfortable. He closed his eyes.


Luke was doing his homework in his room. He was casually solving Algebra equations, thanks to his mom. In the middle of writing his answer, he heard a loud thud from downstairs.

Jack is doing it again, Luke thought. He continued to do his homework when another thud interrupted his train of thinking.

Should I go and tell Jack to chill? Luke shook his head. For a while, he was not bothered when the thud echoed through the house.

That isn't normal. Luke put his homework aside and had trouble deciding if he should scream 'stop' or go tell it to Jack's face. His instincts told him to stay quiet when footsteps started to slowly stomp upstairs.

Luke could feel his heart beat rapidly. He knows there's something wrong. The house is never quiet. It's either the TV downstairs too loud or Jack's room is rocking out music.

The floorboards creaked as the footsteps continued to climb.

Luke's mind raced. Jack is at a football game and Ben is at house party. His parents are home but the kitchen isn't clanking with pots.

It's too quiet. Luke slowly crept to the door. He stopped midway when the footsteps became louder.

Luke heavily breathed as he realized the steps were closer to his door now.

Why did you run? Luke gulped thickly when he heard whispers. His body trembled when the shadow of two feet seeped under the door. He refused to believe that someone on the other side of that door could be a killer.

Luke's teeth started to clatter. It was cold. His breathing increased and his heart thump loudly.

He woke up to find his room dark. Luke shakily breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed his eyes with his hand.

Another nightmare. He was glad he didn't sleepwalk anymore. The nightmare would've been worse if he woke up walking in the middle of nowhere.

Luke checked the time. 12:05. He wasn't appalled from the time. He did sleep when he arrived and that was in the middle of the day. With nothing else to do, he started to unpack.

He only brought two pairs of skinny jeans and a bunch of shirts. Some books to entertain himself and his utilities. Like his charger, toothpaste and toothbrush, shower things, hair dryer, and a brush for his quiff.

Very little things to bring with you to start a new life. Luke wanted to start clean. Despite the fact that he might have a few problems, he wanted to start fresh.

Once he was done, he went to the kitchen.

"There's nothing." He mumbled quietly. The cabinets were empty, the refrigerator only had ice cubes, and the counter is wiped clean.

His stomach made a loud noise and Luke wanted to laugh. Hungry and annoyed.

He pulled out his phone and googled the nearest Pizza Hut. He clicked on the phone number.

"Hello, my name's Ashton, how can I help you tonight?" Luke flinched at the cheery voice.

"Pepperoni pizza with mozzarella bread sticks." Luke said as he shuffled with his feet. The voice on the other line grumpily responded with,

"This isn't a pizza company anymore. It's a damn record store."

Luke stopped moving. A few seconds passed and the man sighed through the phone.

"Sorry, I'll give you the phone number of the real Pizza Hut." Luke chewed on his lip nervously. Hasn't even got out of the house for one day and he's already fucking up.

The guy gave Luke the number and he hanged up without speaking. The guy scared him, and he was never going to call a Pizza Hut again.

Who has a record store open in the middle of the night anyway?


First chapter up \^.^/ It's nothing much, just introducing Luke and a little bit of Ash but

I'm so excited to start this shit like fuck


vote and comment your opinions of the first chapter cause I think it's okay...right?

What do you think of Luke?


What's up with the nightmares?

Have a good day lovelies 💝

- kitten

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