Chapter 12

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At the top of my lungs in my arms he dies

Michael was hair on your beard or legs. You shave it and it's gone, but the hair always came back the next day. Luke sometimes manages to keep Michael alway but the next day he pops in at the most random time. So when he popped in in a Saturday morning, Luke wasn't surprised.

"I'm okay." Luke huffs. Calum was over everyday for the past week and Luke needed to get away, even if he's still in his house. He was trying to convince him that he was fine being alone.

Calum stares at Luke deeply before grumbling, "You're a good liar." He squints his eyes at him before heading out the door. Luke sighs. He walks in the kitchen to see Calum outside one of the windows. Luke throws him a look  and Calum mouths 'I'm watching you' while walking away to his own house.

"Why is he keeping you on a close watch?"

Luke turns around to find Michael leaning over the counter with his hand on his chin.

"Why is everyone not leaving me alone?" Luke mumbles. He kinda got used to the demon thing (black eyes and everything). Even if it's still hard to believe.

"Well, we all know you just wanna get off." Michael smirks. Luke widens his eyes after a second of understanding. Also his sense of turning everything to a sexual comment.

"I do not want to--" Luke struggles to find the words, "get off."

Michael chuckles.

"Don't you have demon things to do?" Luke snaps. Michael shrugs and then stands up.

"I wanna hang out." He simply states and Luke rolls his eyes.

"I'm not the guy."

Michael's smirk grows, "You're definitely the guy." He eyes Luke from head to toe.

Luke feels his body heat up but he kept his feelings in check, "How about you fuck off."

"How about I fuck you." Michael retorts with a lip bite. Luke nervously gulps and he leaves the kitchen.

"Please. I want to be alone."

Michael frowns and follows him to his bedroom. Luke sits on the floor.


Because I want to drag my razor over my skin and punish myself for being irrelevant, Luke let's out a very heavy sigh.

"Because there's something called personal space. Or if you didn't understand, I need privacy." Luke smiles at the red head fakely.

"Oh, we do need privacy. Don't need the whole neighborhood hearing your moans." Michael smiles back with a goofy one. Luke huffs and covers his face.

"Aw, are you blushing?" Michael asks with a bigger smile and eyes glinting. Luke covers his face as much as he can without giving him the satisfaction that he is blushing.

"Shut up." Luke whispers. He's not upset, shockingly. He's actually trying not to giggle because no one bothered to flirt with him. It was new.

"Luuke, I know you're blushing." Michael sing songs. He gets closer to Luke, squatting down, and gently pries the fingers off his face.

Luke closes his eyes and then opens them when a finger pokes his cheek.

"Hi." Michael whispers and Luke could feel his heart beat faster. That was the most kindest gesture to him. Michael is showing that he cares.

Luke looks at Michael in the eye, trying to gauge out his intentions, his emotions. Demon or not, he could still see the soft green reflecting on interest and admiration.

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