Chapter 17

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And all the things that you never ever told me

Luke was ready to die. He suffered a loss, he endured emotional pain, and he was tired of life. When Zack pinned his hands above his head and started to feel him under his shirt, Luke wanted death no more than anything.

The same killer who carved words onto his back, the killer who murdered his parents and left him broken, was about to make it worse.

As Zack buries his head into Luke's neck, Zack took a deep breath. He smells Luke's scent and moans. Then starts kissing him down his neck.

Luke closes his eyes, ready to take anything and die with it. He's tired of waiting for those moments to come. The ones where he could move on and be happy. Where he could find someone. Someone who would help and stay with him.

But it's like the universe was working against him. By closing his eyes, Luke is waving the white flag. He gives up. There's nothing to fight for anymore. His life has changed from good to terrible. And it never gets better. Nothing gets better.

Luke lets the tears fall silently.

The last thing he remembers before passing out is a flash of red and a comforting kiss on his forehead.


"You fucking bitch!" Michael barks. He rips Zack away from Luke and throws him against a wall with such force, Zack is too stunned to react.

Michael's eyes turn black and a red flare outlines his eyes, but when he sees Luke crying, he gives him a soft kiss on the forehead. Luke falls on Michael's arms limply, and Michael lays him down on the couch.

He fixes the broken door and the wall with the snap of his fingers; then disappears along with Zack.

Michael is back at the warehouse and throws Zack against the concrete.

"I told you to not get in my way," Michael starts. Zack tries to get up, but Michael uses his power and strength to kick him on the stomach hard, "I said 'leave him alone'. And you actually had the fucking nerve to oppose me."

Zack coughs up blood and raises his hand. Michael is pushed back by Zack's invisible force towards his desk, but he manages to stop.

"And I also see that you gained will power. Let me guess? Lucifer is helping."

Before Zack could even respond, Michael picks him up by the neck and drags him towards a black chair. Zack chokes on his own blood while Michael roughly sits him down. Using the flick of his hand, he brings out dark rope and wills it to tie up Zack's feet and hands.

Zack screams. The rope is meant to burns his being, and he realized it's also melting his skin. The rope sits tightly on his bare bones.

"Can't believe it came to this point. I trusted you, little brother." Michael spits. Zack heaves at the feeling of his blood running down his hands.

"Do you know why I signed that contract?" Michael keeps talking, "To get us out of the tortuous life our parents led!" His eyes turned a dark black and a red flare shines in the edges of his eyes again.

Zack starts to realize how much he fucked up. He sees death in Michael's eyes, and he finally starts talking.

"He promised me better power. I'm so sorry. Please--ah!" Michael interrupts him by punching him square on the jaw.

"It makes me angry, if you haven't noticed, that you had to let your hunger for power drive you into this."

Zack starts crying when Michael dislocates his shoulder by squeezing it.

"What else?" Michael asks.

Zack splutters, "You br-broke the l-laws."

Michael grabs a knife from his desk and stabs it on Zack's thigh.

"You interfered with his work against Hemmings!" Zack cries out, "The Hemmings are supposed to suffer. They go back to your namesake's bloodline. Hemmings are blessed to become one of them!"

Michael hums, "I know the history."
Then he retracts the bloody knife from Zack, who whimpers in pain.

"Well, you gave me what I needed." He looks at Zack with a mischievous smirk, "Now, when you are reborn, tell Lucifer hi for me."

Zack's eyes widen and he starts to protest. Michael ignores him and thrust his hand inside Zack's chest.

"Michael, please!" Zack screams.

"Goodbye brother." Michael whispers. He gets ahold of a fleshy, beating muscle and grips it tightly. Before Zack could suffer more, Michael rips his heart out.

He lets the dead thing fall to the floor. He quickly returns to Luke's house.



Eh, maybe a lil gross, but it's my first bloody scene :






So much shit going on all at once!

QOTD: fav lyrics from SGFG?
A: "The blood in my veins is made up of mistakes."
– Jet Black Heart
"Eyes closed, all I see is good times disappearing, and I'm trying to hold on."
– Castaway
"So take me as I am. Take me for everything. Replacing who I am, with who I'd rather be."
– Over and Out

Have an awesome day ^.^ 😁

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