Chapter 7

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Could I? Should I?

Luke screams as the hooded man sliced down his shoulder to his back. Tears were pouring down as his face twisted in pain. It burned and it hurt so much.

Hours of a knife carving his skin made his body numb and exhausted of screaming and crying. The agony he felt rip throughout his back, literally, made him knock out of blood loss.

"I hope this stays with you for the rest of your life, Lukey."

Luke snaps his eyes open. He holds back tears and blinks away the memories. It's his fault for not fighting back. He wasn't good enough to save his parents. He deserved that torture. He deserved to be punished.

Stop it, he scolds his mind. He already passed through this. He is not going to experience it again.

He wakes up properly and does his morning routine. After eating a bowl of cereal, he heads to Calum's house.

"Hey!" Ashton greets him when he comes in. Luke smiles and stands there awkwardly.

"You want something?" Ashton asks. Luke shakes his head quickly, "Alright, Calum is in the living room. I'm heading to work. Bye." The dimples make Luke wave back.

"Dude," Calum calls out. Luke follows his voice and sees him sitting on the couch watching the news, "they found the two missing people plus this Jerry guy in a ditch." He turns around to face Luke. Jerry? As in the fat guy who sold the house to Luke?

"Isn't he the landlord for this land thing?" Luke asks quietly. Calum grins triumphantly at hearing him speak.

"Yeah. Poor guy. He and his niece and a friend of his niece were found on a ditch a state over." Calum frowns. Luke nods absentminded. Isn't it weird that this connects to him? Luke scrunches his eyebrows. Two teens disappear after he leaves the party. Now the guy who sold him the house is dead. Well, three people dead. Could it be him?

No, no, no. Luke swallows thickly and clasps together his shaking hands. This is just the nightmare spooking his mind. This is a coincidence.

"Hey, look at me!" Calum waves his hand in front of his face. Luke looks up at him and breaks contact the minute their eyes meet. He can never know.

"Sorry, Jerry...he sold me my house personally." He says. Calum's face softened and then suddenly jumps off the couch.

"C'mon, cheer up! We're going to Walmart!" Calum pokes Luke's cheeks in excitement.

"What's so good about-" Luke starts but he cuts him off.

"Everything!" He says. His smile is wide and bright and he runs out the door with a confused Luke on his tail.


"This is really creepy." Alex comments. Him and Michael are leaning against a row of medecine bottles, watching Luke read some sleeping pills.

"For the love of hell! Do you want me to show myself to him?" Michael groans. Alex's eyes widen into sausages.

"No. You already did that once! That's breaking-"

"Yes, yes. Breaking the laws. I hate hell's laws. It's stupid." Michael rolls his eyes. Alex scoffs and crosses his arms.

"You know, for being Lucifer's lieutenant, you aren't as loyal as you seem."

Michael sighs, "Hey, you wanna know my secret?" Alex squints his eyes and nods eagerly.

"Shove it up your ass."

Alex rolls his eyes and flicks him off. He smirks and returns to the handsome blonde he has been stalking for a week.

"Do you even know his-"

"Yes, Gasfart, I know his fucking name. Hey, aren't you on duty, Mr. Messenger?"

Alex bits back an insult. Michael glances at Luke and then back to the empty space that his friend was.

"Alright-y then. Back to spying on blondie."

Luke's mind is racing while he's eyeing the bottle on his hand. Should he buy the pills or not? He hasn't been sleeping well lately. Does this count as necessary?

"Do you need any help?" Luke turns around to find a very attractive guy with a buzz cut. He has dark eyes that made Luke shift uncomfortably on his place. The blue vest over his white t-shirt and jeans outfit told him the guy was an employee.

Instead of answering, Luke shakes his head and grips tight the bottle of pills.

"My name is Zack." Zack extends his arm for a handshake. What is it with this people and handshakes?

Luke doesn't move an inch and Zack slowly retrieves his arm.

"Are you sure you don't need help? A boy like you should." Zack's voice is slow and Luke steps back.

"Has anyone told you you're a fine piece of ass?" The not-so attractive guy makes Luke step back as far as he can until he crashes into something. More like someone.

Calum steadies both of them from falling down and notices Luke breathing deeply, "Luke, you okay? You look pale."

Luke looks behind Calum to see if Zack was still there. He was rounding off the corner when Calum followed his gaze.

"I'm okay." He whispers. Calum faces him and doesn't believe it but he pats his arm. It made Luke flinch and Calum refrains from touching his shoulders.

"What's wrong with you today? You're all jumpy. Are you really okay?" Calum's eyes are full of concern and it made Luke feel warm inside.

"Yes, don't worry." Luke smiles.

"Hey, if you need anything, I'm here. Please talk to me when you feel sad, yeah?" Calum suggests an eyebrow and it makes Luke smile bigger.

"Yeah, okay." Both of them walk towards the registers and Michael hums.

"You like this guy too much." Someone says from behind him. Michael turns around.

"You messengers have anything to do but annoy me."

Jack raises his hands in defense, "I'm doing my job. I just like annoying you better."

Michael rolls his eyes and then looks back to see his Luke leave, "Do you know that Zack dude?"

"No?" Jack drops his hands and looks at Michael wearily.

"He has a nerve to mess with my meat." Michael spits.

"You're angry? Wow, it's more than liking blondie." Jack muses. Michael waves him off and then starts walking away from him.

"I'm doing it tonight!" He calls out and Jack shakes his head.

"He's falling for this guy and he hasn't even met him." He murmurs.





Thanks for the votes (: means I should keep writing





vote and comment guys! The story is finally picking up ^.^

Have a good night/day 💝

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