Chapter 5

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At the end of the world or the last thing I see

"Michael!" Jack slaps the red hair's arm harshly.

"What the fuck, man?" Michael starts to rub the red spot but kept his eyes on the house. They're standing in front of a guy's house that was pulsating music and, strangely, flowing with glitter.

"You aren't planning to kill tonight, right?" Jack crosses his arms on his chest. He glares at Michael's smirk and then softens when Michael shakes his head.

"This party looks good. Let's go." Michael put his hand on Jack's shoulder and suddenly they're standing inside a crowd dancing to Britney Spears.

As soon as Michael hears the song, he scrunchs his face in disgust and snaps his fingers. The music changes to Fall Out Boy. Jack grins and out of the air, plucks two red cups full of cheap beer.

"To hell." Michael raises his cup and Jack snorts. Their little inside joke is interrupted by someone speaking through a microphone.

"Guise! It's time to congratulate my beloved boyfriend for his promotion at his job!" the crowd cheers 'congratulations Ashton', "Have an awesome time and be prepared for the Bottle Games in the kitchen floor!" In response, people scream and Jack raises his eyebrows. These people act like teenagers.

"They are teenagers, idiot." Michael rolls his eyes and made his way to the kitchen.

"You might look like a teenager but I know you're older than me, grandpa." Jack calls out but Michael flips him off.

"I am a teenager forever!" He retorts and continued to push past drunk people.

Inside a locked bedroom, Luke's sitting on a bed, watching Netflix with his phone. After picking Ashton up, they returned to at least twenty people waiting outside Calum's door. They shook Ashton's hand and praised him for the promotion. Luke thought, if this party is small, it should be great. He was wrong an hour later.

Alot of people knocked and came in with a small present for Ashton, but that's not all. A DJ was also invited and put music as soon as he stepped in. Soon, it was a full blown party with glitter in the air and beer as their second oxygen supply.

Luke had to admit, his neighbors knew how to have a good time but he couldn't stand crowds. Or just people touching him, grinding on him. It's almost like one of Luke's nightmares.

Talking about nightmares, Luke had a fourth nightmare this week. He was so into making friends, he didn't realized that the fourth nightmare happened just last night. Is it a sign?

Luke shook his head and continues to watch Sherlock.

"Where am I?" The tiny screen showed John Watson checking a boy's eyes who was high as the sky. Luke snuggles closer the blanket he found.

"Arse-end of the universe with the scum of the Earth. Look at me?" He found himself giggling loudly when Ashton, pissed drunk, barges in.

"There you are! C'mon Luke! It's time to face your fears and take a chance!" His slurred speech made Luke cringe and he wanted to yelp when Ashton grabbed his wrist and pulls him off the bed.

"There's n-nothing like t-that in parties." Luke snatches his phone and tries to pull his arm back, but Ashton was having no problem to keep dragging Luke downstairs.

"Lukey," Ashton did not see how Luke flinched at the nickname. Certainly now, Luke's using all his might to set free. Away from everyone, "it's gonna change your life! Just one round, and I'll let you go!"

"P-please, let me go. I need to g-get home." Luke pleads. His heart hammered against his chest and he wanted to retreat to the safety of his house.

"Just one time!" Oblivious to Luke's state, he happily pushes Luke to sit down. The music blasted through and people are sitting down on a large circle. The kitchen is flooded with glass bottles and red cups. The only thing that was cleared is the inside of the circle. An empty bottle of Vodka layed there to be spinned and Luke had the instinct to run.

"Spin!" Calum screamed next to Luke, who jumped. He tries to stand up but Calum was already pulling him down.

"Just this one time, yeah?" There goes the puppy eyes and Luke sighs frustratedly. Fuck Calum and his brown eyes.

"Fine," Luke snaps and Calum cheers along with everyone in the circle. They start chanting spin, spin, spin to Luke and his cheeks were reder than a tomato. He brings out his shaking arm, praying to the gods above to not let him fuck up, and spins the bottle.

It landed on a red headed guy with an eyebrow piercing.

It landed on a punk!, Luke internally groans and prepares himself to be embarrassed.

Michael, on the other hand, was beyond happy. Thank god for his powers. If he hadn't, that beer bottle wouldn't land on him. He had so many things he wanted to try on blondie.

Oh, the things he would do.

"What does the people say?" Ashton raises his hands, like he was a god himself asking to his people for their judgement.

Luke soon realized that the Bottle Games were different yet similar to spin the bottle or truth or dare. But one thing was for sure. It was worse.

Girls shouted, "Make out!" While the guys said, "Closet!" Calum grinned and giggled, "Make out in the closet!" Everyone screamed Yeah! in agreement.

Luke was shaking his head vigorously while Michael approached him with a sinister smirk. Ashton and Calum raised their beers to the air and everyone else saluted Luke and Michael.

Michael's hunger for the blonde bubbled in his stomach, anxious to feel those soft lips and making him beg for Michael. His excitement was cut short when Luke finally let his adrenaline kick in. He tore his arm away from Michael's grasp and screamed, "Stop! Leave me alone!"

Luke's eyes frantically scanned the room. Some nearby people stopped dancing and stared but most kept on with the party. Luke, though, had enough. He felt a panic attack pushing his way out. He was surrounded by people who had hands all over anyone. The heat, the beer, the contact. Luke was in the verge of tears because the friends he had just made was going to let him go to a closet to have more than skin contact with another person.

He was overwhelmed and he was out the door before Ashton or Calum could notice.

Michael sees blondie run away and he wasn't happy about it. More like angry.



14 DAYS?

Soz guys but I traveled for my first time! IM IN NEW YORK :D

We went to visit the border of Canada and goddamn it was exciting!

Here's a chapter that I had not planned to write but I figure I'm a bad person for keeping you waiting. I'll update more, though



Here's a pic since I don't have my laptop with me c:

Enjoy your night/day

- kitten

p.s. vote and comment guys \^.^/ I need feedback so I can make this story more awesome :P

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