Chapter 9

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Just to start off, I was really dissapointed with the reads and comments :( It's generally been going downhill which is...a shame, I've literally pre-typed like 50 more pages and I don't feel as though people are reading only those fantastic ones who comment (You know who you are :) i appreciate those people, and anyone who even just skims my work. Mwahh :*

Anywho...this chapter has some things about Blake, more in-depth and what not...keep voting and commenting! I tend to upload earlier then *grins cheekily* And thanks to those who bother reading my authors notes!


Sorry for the times that I left you home

If i was on the road and you were alone

I'm sorry for the times that i had to go

Sorry for the things that i did not know...

Put the Blame on me- Akon



“Hurt my baby, and I’ll hurt yours!” I was currently sitting in the passenger seat of my own car, as Blake had refused.

“I can’t have a girl driving me around” he’d argued, stealing my keys and jumping in hurriedly.

Blake laughed “I won’t hurt your baby, please don’t hurt mine” he touched his groin protectively and I rolled my eyes.

“Where are we going?” I asked him as he continued to drive.

“My house”

“Really?” I bounced on the seat “What fun!”

He narrowed his eyes at me “Are you being sarcastic?”

I gasped “Me? Sarcasm? I do not like to be associated with that word”

He shook his head and fiddled with my radio before landing on a station that was currently playing Coldplay. I narrowed my eyes and switched stations sighing in content when The Script started to play.

“Renee…” he growled, switching it back.


“I don’t like your music” he muttered

“Who doesn’t like a cute Irish band?” I defended “You’re just sad”

“Yeah whatever…” So we ended up listening to The Script, and I swear I saw his head bobbing along.

Blake’s house was a small terrace situated at the edge of town. It was situated in a rough looking area, where I spotted a few boys with hoodies loitering around noisily.

He cleared his throat “I know I don’t have the best of houses…”

I shook my head “It looks cosy…”

He scoffed “Trust me, when you can hardly afford anything, you’ll live in anything”

I felt guilty, climbing out and walking along beside him. The group of boys only nodded their heads at Blake in greeting, before their eyes pierced into me. Blake curled his hand over mine protectively as if saying “Back off”.  He unlocked his door and we walked into the small hallway. I was right, it was cosy. I kicked off my shoes and followed after him into the kitchen. There sat a woman, with long blonde hair and an absolutely stunning physique. She smiled when we entered, getting up and brandishing her coffee.

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