Authors Note

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Hi guys, yeah I know what your thinking "Is this girl gonna stop bothering us already?"

Well, I just wanted to say I entered the Watty Awards. Yeah I know, laugh it up. Even though I have a miniscule chance at even scraping a prize, I just wanted my loyal, lovely, beautiful, sweet fans to helps me out by voting and commnting on my chapters. my aim isn't even to win, I just want to try, there's no harm in that, right?

I've also written a book called The Junk Drawe which is just a collection of stories I'd some day like to finish one called Fighting for the Bad Boy, please, please check it out and leave your honest feedback. A lot of you probably don't realise the influence you've had on my writing and possibly my entire life in helping me to believe in myself and in what I can do. 

Trust me, I know that this book has many flaws, some people shamelessly pointed them out, others guided me and encouraged me throughout and I cannot thank you enough.

The same way you have helped me in commenting and reading my stories I will be more than happy to assist you. Just send me a message and I will happily read your story when I have the time

Thanks again, the TTBB journey was amazing!

Possibly goodbye for ever,


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