The Crimson Claymore: Editing

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For those of you who've finished reading this novel I want to say Thank You. It means a lot to me that you read my book. Since I was in the first grade I have wanted to be an author, and it really means a lot to me to see that all of you enjoy my novel. The reviews I have on this book bring warmth to my heart, and really inspire me to become a better author. I want nothing more than to become a published author. I want to make a living as an author and write full time. I have so many ideas for stories to come, but currently, I work full time in a labor job and cannot write like I want to.

I am hoping to self-publish this novel soon. I tried going the traditional route, and have over 90 rejections. I have decided to publish it myself, but I really need an editor. Many of you have helped me with my grammar and punctuation issues, and I appreciate all of it. A few of you are on my beta reader team to help me with errors and I am grateful for the help. Still, to get this book out there without a bunch of "Negative Self-Published" reviews I need an editor. Editing isn't cheap. This novel alone will cost me more than $2,000 to have edited. That doesn't include formatting for kindle, paperback, and a cover. I need your help. I have created a Pubslush for this month, asking for donations to help me get this novel edited. If you donate I have prizes that I will send you, including free E-Book copies and paperback copies. If you can be of any help, please check out my page. Every dollar counts. Thank you so much for being a fan of my work, and I hope to continue to write books that you want to read.

(If you are interested in being a beta reader, please private message me.)


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