The Crimson Claymore: Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Searon rode long and far five days southeast alongside Karceoles with barely a word of conversation. Flashbacks of his brother and the time they'd shared together occupied his mind. He still remembered the confused expression on his brother's face when he returned from Tiermera. Searon's hard battle-worn expression had changed since he came back from the city, and Noraes was the first to notice it. Noraes was many years younger and still craved the thrill of the fight, while Searon grew in mind and wanted more peaceful things. There was a time when he thought he would never want such things, but when he had stared upon the face of the tear-struck Victoria through the smoke of Tiermera, everything changed. He no longer cared for the wars, the battle, and the foolishness of men attacking men. It seemed that during all the long years of fighting he was searching for something, and it was found when he first glanced upon Victoria.

At first, Noraes had bid Searon to see the foolishness of his ways, and told him that the phase would pass. Searon tried telling him otherwise, but the young hardheaded brother would not listen. Until the day he beheld Victoria for himself. Searon had kept Victoria from him at first because he was still unsure if she did trust him. He would not force himself upon her because he treasured her beyond all else. First, he would allow her to fall in love with him, and then they would marry. For many months, did he hope and wish for that day to come, but he kept true to his word and didn't leave for battle when all else around him did. Instead, he stayed, but he did train men in the art of swords, to all those who would wield one. He told Victoria that he trained them so they would not be defenseless in an attack, but he did hold back deathblows that he had once taught.

It was the third month when Searon noticed Victoria's kisses returned with passion, and the glint in her eyes and smile upon her face. That's when it was time for her to meet his brother for more than a glance—a true meeting. He wanted his brother to understand before marrying so he could accept his wife without resentment. He wanted his brother to be by his side at the wedding. The memory was carved in his mind like that of a perfect glass sculpture, and it came to him every night in his dreams since the wizard had mentioned his brother.

* * *

Victoria stood in the kitchen, stirring the large steel pot of soup she'd made. A smile was on her lips when she turned around to find Searon setting the table with bowls and spoons. Searon only smiled back as he continued to make sure everything was proper with his seat across from hers and his brother's on the side of the oak table. The smell of fresh vegetables, chicken, and spices loomed inside and made Searon's mouth water. She made some of the best soup he had ever tasted, with cabbage, potatoes, chicken, garlic, and other ingredients that he could not guess.

He walked up to her from behind and rested his head on her shoulder. She turned into him and clasped her arms around his neck. Her face lit up in a smile, and she bit her lip. Searon smiled down at her and was surprised when she stepped up on her tiptoes and kissed him passionately. A knock at the door startled them, and Searon left her to open it.

Noraes stood, dressed in a blue silk shirt and slick black breeches with a bundle of flowers in his hand. He seemed to shake nervously, and his eyes kept wavering side to side. His dirty-blond hair was partially brushed as well as any single man might hope to achieve without a mirror. He smiled slightly looking at Searon, but he remained still.

"Please, come in," Searon beckoned.

He nodded and stepped inside, glancing at Victoria who was in a crimson silk dress and red slippers. She began filling the bowls that Searon handed her as Noraes took a seat. Searon sat down and watched his brother.

"Thank you for inviting me."

"You need not thank me, but Victoria: She is the one who beckoned me to meet you. It is also she who slaves in the kitchen without allowing help."

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