Chapter 37: Who are you?

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Ashe POV

I held onto the handles on Talions saddle as he sprinted across the open plain. I smiled laughing happily as he jumped up onto a large rock over looking the valley. "Isn't this beautiful Talion?!" I asked scratching behind his ear. "Yes...I must say it is." He said looking on. Suddenly I felt his body tense. "What is it?" I whispered leaning my chest down towards him. "...orcs...ahead." He said. I looked ahead and saw a large pack of orcs...all mounted on wargs....looking directly at me. I slowly leaned my arms down and tightened the straps around my legs. "Alright, let's try to get away from this whole." I said pulling out my bow, loading three arrows ready for whatever would come my way. I looked around our surroundings, my eyes settled on the one thing I know would be a safe haven. "Lothlórien..." I whispered. "Talion," I said leaning my chest down against his back to make sure he hears me clearly. "Do you see a small ways into the forest towards the east, there's a pearl looking gate a little ways into the forest." I said.. "Yes. Do you wish to go there?" He asked. "No Orc would dare go in there I don't think." I said. Leaning back up. Though the second I did the orcs came charging.

I held onto Talion tightly with my legs as he sprinted off the his stand point towards the eastern entrance to the forest. I pulled back my arrows and released at any Orc coming close. As soon as I reached back and felt no arrows I sighed and quickly put away my bow and armed myself with a sword. Out of the corn of my eye I could see a rather large and bulky Orc coming close. "Shit shit shit" I whispered as it got closer. I heard the swish of a blade about an inch from my side and immediately rammed my sword back into the stomach of the Orc and cutting up before quickly pulling away and urging Talion to run faster. "Common were almost there!!!!!" I said desperately as another Orc was catching up. I reached to my side and grabbed a throwing knife before arching my back and flinging it hard, nailing right into the creatures throat. As I whipped back up I screamed and ducked for to avoid a branch to the face. Though I clearly wasn't out of heat yet as I still heard loud paws stamping the ground as they ran. "Seriously?!?!" I asked panicked. Suddenly a blur of black flew by me. "Wha-" I cut myself short as suddenly an Orc leaped from his warg and grabbed ahold of me. "GET. OFF!" I yelled pulling out my dagger and ramming it right though his head. "Hook to the left!!!!" The mysterious person ahead yelled out. "Who are you?!?!??" I yelled back. "Just trust me and we can have introductions later!!! WATCH YOUR RIGHT!" She screamed. I pulled my sword and sliced through the stomach of the Orc beside me. "Kick that beast into high gear!" She yelled. I looked behind me and still saw Orcs close on my rear. I sighed and saw no choice, I kicked Talion causing him to sprint on faster and faster. I held on tight and pushed my butt off the saddle, allowing me more balance and control. "JUST A LITTLE FURTHER!" She yelled out loudly, looking back however the shadow of her hood keeping me from seeing her face. I took a deep breath as Talion ran harder. I then rapidly saw the gates of Lothlórien approaching. I kicked Talion and he sped up to right behind the mysterious stranger hopefully leading me to my safety.

The second we ran through the gate, elves looked on in shock and confusion as we heard a loud crash. I pulled hard on Talion's reins, pulling him to a stop as I looked back seeing a pile of Orcs and wargs caught in a case of confusion...and probably a lot of head pain from full speed ramming into the Lothlórien barrier. "Wow...they really do have a protection spell surrounding this place..." I said as I unbuckled myself and slid off Talion's back. "Yes, they do." the mysterious person said holding her massive horses reins and coming towards me, her face still hidden by her light blue hood. "Who are you?" I asked. Her pale hand reached up and pulled off her hood, reviling a girl, who's eye shined like a beautiful lime green flower, as well as her hair was a soft white shade, shorter than most though complimenting her features. Her skin was a soft pale color that seemed to glow with the light of the moon shining behind her, though I noticed the small blood spots on her cheeks and her exposed arm, the rest of her body covered by her cloak. She stared at me, saying nothing for a moment. "What were you doing out there alone?" She suddenly asked. I gasped quietly at her unexpected question and tried to muster up an answer as fast as I could. "Well....I don't know." I said looking at her in the eyes. She glared at me for a moment. I felt my heartbeat quickening faster and faster before she suddenly burst out in laugher. "I'm totally joking with the glare!" She said with a beautiful smile on her Face. I laughed nervously and nodded. "Princess Kura!!" and elven man suddenly yelled out running towards us. She looked at him before smiling at me, gently grabbing my wrist. "Come with me!" She said as she ran off, tugging me behind her.


Allistor POV

I rode fast chasing after the butterfly, mahal could those little guys go. Though nothing could change the fury in my heart about my little sister, for some reason believing it was okay to least without me. "She is so dead. She is so lucky it's me and not dad, she'd be triple dead." I growled. Suddenly pushing my thoughts aside, I noticed the butterfly had gone. "What? Really? She wasn't riding a dragon! She can't go up!" I yelled frustrated. I ran my fingers through my hair and looked down to the ground, grinning seeing deep warg prints. "Alright, I'm ether agoing to find my sister, or an Orc." I said as I nudged my horse and rode on.


My apologies about the serious delays on updating any of my books. I've been having family and emotional issues that's kept me from being able to write amazing chapters for you guys! And I love all my readers so I don't want to disappoint them when a crappy chapter. So I will try to update as fast at possible but I'm trying to go quality over speed. I hope you enjoy the chapter and thank you for your somewhat patience (:


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