Chapter 36: Don't be scared

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Shaleh POV

I watched my sister easily break open the door. "Shit...this place needs a maid." Phoenix said as she gripped her axe tightly. "Yeah....Phoenix are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked quietly. I scowled, "ya know probably not...but when had a bad idea stopped us before?" I asked nudging my nervous sister. "You, hasn't stopped you before." She laughed. "Yeah yeah whatever. Come on!" I said grabbing her hand and running through the door. We both abruptly stopped at the surprising entry way. It looked as though the nature around the building seemed to make itself comfortable due to the lack of people. "Huh, ya know I wouldn't mind living here even with all the nature." I said walking around, turning around and looking at the ceiling. "You sure about that?" Shaleh asked. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "Turn around." She said. I looked over my shoulder and shrieked as a large snake hung from a branch about five inches from my head, hissing at me. "AHHHH HELL NO!" I screamed swinging my axe and ramming the snake else where. " you think it's dead?" I asked shaken. Shaleh snickered, "well shit if it's not dead then it has some serious brain damage." She laughed. "That's true but not funny!!!" I snapped. "Hahaha yeah whatever, come on. Let's explore mah beautiful sister~!" Shaleh said grabbing my hand. I smiled, "you kinda just called yourself beautiful." I laughed. "Why do you think I said it?" She asked with a smile. I grinned and walked ahead of her and looked ahead, freezing in my spot. Up ahead I saw a small girl walking across a large stone. "Shaleh!" I panicked. "What? Yeah?" She asked coming over to me. "Do you not see the little child over there?!?" I asked pointing, though as I looked back nobody was there. "What child?" She asked. I looked harder and shook my head. "Uh...never mind I guess...come on, let's go." I said. "Awe, are you scared?" Shaleh asked. "Shut up. I'm not scared." I snapped. "Don't worrrrryyyyy you'll be fine. Need me to hold your hand?" She asked offering. I frowned and grabbed it. "I'm not scared." I said. "Sure your not." She said with a smirk.

Thorin POV

I held Tygrs hair as she happily trotted in front of me, her bushy black tail swaying from side to side in excitement. "These houses are so cute!!!! I can't wait till Bilbo gets here so we can go inside." She said shaking my arm smiling. I laughed, "I must admit they are nice." I said looking at the neatly groomed front for the first hobbit hole Tygr wished to look at. "Agh their so cute!!!! I can't believe your actually going to buy a hobbit hole!" She said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Oh well, normally a big burly strong dwarf wouldn't want to live in the shire with his skinchanger wife." She said with a smile. I laughed at the pure sentence she just spoke. "Yeah well anything to make you happy. Happy wife happy life right?" I asked. "No but happy spouse happy house seems a lot better~" she said as she pulled me down slightly and kissed my cheek. "Well good to see we are all happy this morning!" We heard Bilbo's voice chime. "Hey Bilbo!!!" Tygr said happily before she hugged the hobbit. "So, are we ready to look around?" Bilbo asked. Tygr nodded as well as I.

*time skip*

I wanted slowly around a fourth nice house a small ways away from Bilbos. "It's so cute!!!!!" I heard Tygr squeal from about three rooms away. I smiled and shook my head, it was adorable how into this she was. "Tygr, my love?" I asked. "Yeeees?" She asked. "Where are you?" I asked. "In the master bedroom~" she said. I raised an eyebrow and made my way through the house. As I saw it up ahead something caught my eye. On ether side of the hallway there were two bedrooms. "Huh, hey how many bed rooms does this place have?" I asked. "Five, not counting the master. We could easily fit all the kids in here if needed." She said as she met my side in the hall. "Huh, well that would be nice." I said. "Yes I decided to show you the bigger know...never know when you decided to accidentally make another little one." Bilbo said with a smile. I smiled then suddenly noticed a small nervous look on Tygr's face. "Who said they were accidents?" I asked with a smirk, dismissing Tygr's face. "Well...Ashe was. But she's the best accident we've ever made." Tygr said. I nodded in agreement. "Aye, she was. You know what, I think we should buy it." I said. She looked at me shocked. "What? You really want to???" She asked shocked. "Yeah! Of course. We could fit twelve people in this house. Why not?" I asked throwing an arm around my beloveds shoulders. "T-twelve? Why twelve there are only eleven of us." She asked. I smirked and kissed her forehead. "I've been married to you long enough to know you, and your facial expressions to know what each means." I whispered. She looked at me wide eyed. "So...there's no point in trying to act like it's not there huh?" She asked. "Not at all my love." I said with a smile. "We'll take it Bilbo." I said. "That's wonderful!! It will be so nice having your family in the neighborhood." Bilbo said happily. "In going to get Mr. Escut and he can seal the deal for you!" Bilbo said leaving the house. I watched Tygr rest a hand on her stomach. "How do you think the kids will take it?" She asked. "Probably the way they took our announcement with Ashe. The twins will been confused and question how their parents still "bang" so much. Allistor will get that instant over protective look in his eye. Scottie will talk about how he-or-she will be the cutest thing ever. Melody and Lily will stay quietly chatting about what they think he-or-she will look like. Liam will Probably stay quiet just like he does on every other occasion. And finally Damien will start doing protection rituals on you." I said. "Do you think those fire rituals he does actually work?" she asked. "Well, you've remained perfectly safe for all these years. I assume they matter how weird they are." I said. "Why am I so nervous about this one?" She asked hugging her stomach. "I'm not sure, however I don't think you should worry. I'm here to keep you safe, as well as Echo. She watches you like a hawk now a days." I said. "Hah...I guess." She said. "Thorin and Tygr Oakenshield?" A voice piped up. We turned around and saw a kind looking hobbit. "Yes?" Tygr asked. "Are you ready to buy a home?" He asked with a smile. "Yes we are!" Tygr said giggling, I nodded in agreement. We followed the man through the house towards the dinning room. "I hope the kids are alright." Tygr said. "I'm sure their fine" I said patting her shoulder.

Phoenix POV

Shaleh and I huffed out of breath. We had been trying to open this damn door for the last hour. "What the hell is in there that they have to make a door this strong?!" I growled as Shaleh and I rammed the door again. "I have no idea what when we get this door open, and we will, it better be good!" Shaleh said. We rammed it one more time before I stopped us. "Okay wait wait, there has to be a better idea to get this thing open." I said placing my hands on my hips. I glanced around and noticed a large pillar with a statue on it. "Um...maybe we could find some way to get a rope around that statue, attach it to the ceiling and make it swing and ram the door. If that doesn't open it then nothing will." I said. "Alright...alright. This could work. However two things." Shaleh said. I looked at her, waiting her to continue. "But how will we get to the top? This room is insanely high if you haven't noticed." She said. "Well if you haven't noticed...we have dragons...that fly." I said with a smirk. "And who are extremely strong." Shaleh said. "Time to call zhe beasts?" She asked. "Yes, yes I believe it is." I said happily.

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